View Full Version : The Pit
- Calling out Curt James
- does too much testosterone make you high?
- Well it says we can share photography........
- Luke, I am your father!
- The people have spoken.....
- Congrats Dave thread closed?
- Christian Duque banned/fired from Rx muscle or Stay on board ?
- Why I'm leaving RX
- The Black Hole
- Calling out Sandpig!
- Calling out Maniacal!
- Musclepapa John
- The Pit
- Maniacal's ISIS Report
- The Pit thread titles and...
- Killing with my bare hands.....
- Child of God call out
- Two NYPD officers assassinated!
- Calling out The Solution!
- davidcua and Maniacal square off!
- Calling out CHILDOFGOD (again)!!!
- Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh, MY!
- lol...da black hole..
- The Troll Debate: "You are a troll!" ... "No, no! YOU are a troll!"
- DMX's Controversial Comments thread
- Maniacal calls out Musclepapa John!
- What in the living hell!
- Ironbrian82: PfA, you...
- Ever say F&CK IT!
- Paging PfA!
- Anonymous Sandwich with another call out!
- Why do many bb's need justification?
- MPJane, you ignorant ####!
- Professor X's Perspective
- Why so many mods?
- Sandwich calls out davidcua!
- beta bashes meaniehead maniacal!
- Who Do You Think Has More Anal Sex?
- How big is too big?
- Explain this...#whycutback
- Bodybuilding gone wrong
- If only more people would consult with him first!
- Post Pictures of bbers in the off-season
- grrr COG-inspired argument thread
- *Please post your speculations here to what happened @ Prime.
- Childofgod & Rocky3 - A union of mental midgets and jesus freaks
- I need your help!
- Race Theory Class gets Lynched
- Selfie...The Chris Rock Files
- Worst decision in ones life ...????
- Poker face Ace says, "Some examples of why I was banned."
- Sinners by Rocky
- Sassy69
- Dont skip leg day and get amazing results just like me !!!
- Penis pics
- 3-year-old Shoots 1-Year-Old
- Officer thought it was Taser not gun?
- Rocky3 can't afford an engagement ring
- It pays to be white!
- "Home home on the range"
- The Black Hole is a region of Rx Muscle where hate, anger, and bitterness or Interwebz trolling is so strong that no member or moderator entering that region can ever escape from it. Or can they?
- My "Queen" thread already...
- Is this spamming?
- "Reps and Posts"
- "And another ones gone...and another one bites the dust"
- Steppin away to eat...
- Newsflash: Disturbing the peace is illegal.
- Cop REFUSES to use deadly force against white criminal
- Maniacal
- Rocky3: "I'm not trying to create drama, BUT..."
- Bodyfat% average for figure/physique competitors
- Legends of Hate
- Maniacal's Advice to Competitors re BF%
- Gregzs: A schmoetard douche with 5K posts of nothing but YT videos and ballsuckery
- Suggestion to Management
- The Great Red River
- Maniacal's Motivational Quotes
- Rocky explains why people smoke pot...
- Professor X on vowels...
- Calling out Anavar Annie!
- Thankfully, we don't have to wish COG a Happy Mother's Day
- Why do COG and Rocky post in the Black Hole?
- Obama
- Timbo hates non-bodybuilding threads in MC
- Meat curtains on display.
- Rocky stirs the pot
- Life is short. Eat the donut!
- Is This Gay Enough to Get Guys?
- There Will Not be One Riot
- Tattoos express turmoil and confusion
- Ironbrian82 calls out Poker face Ace!
- New Sex ED = Internet?no shiznit
- Rocky, what does God say about money?
- Mirror stains, fact or fiction?
- Transracial
- Why, you're very welcome. -_-
- What should i do?
- Nonbodybuilding Related Threads 101
- This place needs
- Curt James has no sense of humor.
- Do bodybuilders pull off the stupid looking beard right?
- Maniacal Rants
- Curt vs Professor X
- We interrupt this broadcast to bring you this important bulletin...
- PfA is back! (Who's glad?)
- Maniacal weighs in on Men's Physique
- Sandwich says...
- Was Rousey meant to be a man?
- How would they do it?
- Sandwich's Kai Greene assessment...
- Rocky3...
- Silver Alert
- Effing with COG
- apickerill's Dirty mouth thread (and Other Insanity)
- Another black savage kills a white person
- why are alota ppl aka members afraid..?.
- Why do you think Fouad Abiad pulled outta the O?
- how long before maniacal dies from heart disease?
- Guess who's back?
- This is where I explain things over and over and over...
- No one cares.
- Kaispiracy theory
- KAI did not seek $1 Million from Muscle Meds
- eman vs. PfA
- Maniacal on deletions
- PfA
- More of the same
- Hey Curt
- Speaking with Dave...
- Halloween Costumes
- Christian...
- who wants me to be w the rat pack?
- Closed thread
- YG vs PMS
- Why I feel this site needs me
- Posts That Would Get Me Banned
- We Need An Epic Meltdown
- Slipping
- "Hi, I'm PfA and I'm not long for this world."
- Attention: Stop derailing threads.
- why flexatron was less sharp this time
- I have to return some videotapes.
- Bodybuilding and cheeks turning red?
- You're not the boss of me.
- Rx mods thread
- Why is this site...
- I am member of the month.
- Rich Looking Ahhhhhsum
- (Moved to the pit...)
- Just banned form MD for suggesting they need some MOD changes
- DBowden feelin the loooove
- Jeopardy
- Why are ppl making fun of Jason Genova??
- Childofgod
- Conversations with The Solution
- I'm sorry
- Where is Maniacal? (And comments off topic which had been in a COG thread but it's NYE so WTF?)
- Rocky is Missing?
- The thread where PfA gets a warning...
- Need advise from a woman or homo/metrosexual
- Rape and refugees
- wtf
- Ya think?
- Woman goes nuts and calls cops on boyfriend?
- German girl's viewpoint
- wars within the stars . I suck
- What's with the muffins?
- Rick and Morty Purge episode
- I know where PFA lives...
- Bald Berries
- How much tail did cog get before becoming B.A.C?
- Up yours, Travis!
- I'm bored
- Top 10 most insane quotes from Return of Kings leader Roosh V
- The GeorgeForemanRules medical advice thread from a Nurse
- Arab thread
- GFR schedules his vacation time...
- Turns Out I was Wrong Geoff and Joe
- What do u wear for ur hard core workouts? Pit version
- Wtf happened to bodybuilding?
- Free balling
- My opinion on Getbig.
- Curt's arms make a toothpick look like a blue whales penis.
- Rule #1
- Insert witty thread title here.
- Sounds nefarious.
- One more time!
- The Kai Greene pit thread
- Be careful where you poke that thing!
- Horrors of the Locker Room
- Blast from the ass
- Who was the best pit poster ever?
- Dear Curt and Mac......
- No winning with them ..
- HeavyIron
- I'm a lesser known character
- Uncle Junior x banned member from Getbig here saying hello
- Heros of the 21st century
- 36 stupid feminist questions answered
- 9 Reasons Men Get Paid More Than Women (The Wage Gap Debunked)
- Merle
- This is important information you must know about tequila!
- Re: Ex-Getbiggers Shizzo, Uncle Junior, Groink
- Just got off the phonw with my boy from the IRS
- Old As Fuck
- Poker face Ace...
- Uncle Junior Productions Proudly Present: RX Pitters Volume 1: Ode to Piper Steven
- The Stupidest Statement In Existence
- Post a recent picture challenge
- This Story LITERALLY Had Me in Tears Laughing So Hard
- Eric DiLauro exposed?
- Toilet Paper
- How to lose millions on the biggest night of your life
- Missile Head Amazing News
- Fuck Off Neighbour
- Been A While Since I Snapped, but Coach Can Bring That Out of Anyone
- Biggest Blow Hard Associated With The Kentucky Derby
- Calling out Coach: Do you have the balls to accepts my challange and do a good deed for charity?
- The death of Radical Plato/Ekul
- Holy We Are A Fat Society
- Question (golf related)
- They're Magically Delicious
- Has Shizzo finally been ousted?
- The Irony of Getting Old
- Wiggs From Over There
- Shizzo's stint on Muscle Week
- Getbig's Greatest Business Mind
- Jesus Christ what a crazy couple of weeks..........
- This place looks interesting.
- Remember Navy_Mike?
- Dear Soul Crusher From Getbig
- Message to OneMoreRep From GB.
- The final straw...
- Message to Conehead/OneMoreFap: When We Were Kings: Volume One!
- Kiss Army
- Hi everyone. I weigh 120.. please read my thread
- Going too Far?
- Something PfA will never do...
- Serge Nubret
- Topless
- A sincere apology to PfA
- Muscular Women! (pit version)
- Michael Edwards introduction
- Three of Kai Greene's Scandals! (Video)
- Macho Man Randy Savage!
- Heath Reppin' 'Em Out Like a Beast
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