View Full Version : Masters Bodybuilding
- Thank you
- Masters: Check in and speak up!
- Congratulations Esplendido
- Hitting the genetic wall; a Redo
- The Bodybuilder: a story
- HRT appointment booked!
- Masters Competition Thread
- Throwing down the gauntlet for RazorRipped!
- Pain!
- Masters Overall National Champion, IFBB Pro
- side effects
- how does this proposed TRT protocol sound
- Balancing act
- novadex xt
- Blast from past
- Training Hard at Any Age!
- NPC Masters Nationals changes for 2009!
- 41 and getting stronger
- 09 Season
- question on how to get off of TRT
- Over 40 and how often?
- The older I get the more I enjoy training.
- Grey or not?
- 10 down 25-30 to go
- Any Masters going to the Arnold?
- bringing up lagging body parts for old people
- 39 about to hit 40..starting to feel the difference!
- your favorite pre 1975 bodybuilder
- What do you want to see...
- Welcome Sassy69, new Masters Judge!
- Types of Cardio
- Contest prep diary: Post Here!
- Masters women Q&A with Sassy69
- What bodypart needs work? Help found here.
- Posing tips
- I'm Masters now. What now?
- My first show for 2009....
- Training Tips/ideas
- Cardio the morning after..
- What do you do to relax?
- HOW TO Download Heavy Muscle Radio 2 IPOD
- Would you give up sex...
- My second comp for the year - INBA Dubbo
- Why do you work out?
- 50-over humor
- Intensity in training
- Does DHEA work?
- Bored!
- esplendido
- esplendido
- HRT/Cycle Advice
- esplendido's new avatar
- OB
- Esplendido on stage
- Pre-workout consumption more beneficial
- TRT 8 weeks in blood results
- who is going to masters nationals?
- Inspired by age
- Sets & Reps
- Leg Day with Rodney L
- Overtraining while dieting
- Beautiful evening
- Do you remember the first bodybuilder you ever saw???
- Masters Nat'ls host hotel sold out - alt hotels available
- Master's Couples bodybuilding...or is it Grand Masters?
- Robby and Denny, Training Partners
- No Test, No Nothing!!!
- Missing the "good old days"
- Missing the "good old days"
- Golfers
- Need answers to Blood Work Resuls?
- HRT dose
- 50+ years ago
- pressing question
- Contest Prep Log
- Radial Neuropathy
- biceps tear advice
- Tanning at NPC Master's
- Q&A with Dr. Joe DeMarco
- How many pro cards will be given at Masters Nats?
- Intro and a quick qn for esplendido
- Rita Kaya taking on the NPC Masters Nats again!
- Callin all Masters...
- Must have supplements
- Time to trim the schmoe
- sprinting and bodybuilding
- Some fantastic thoughts in rhyme on The Lifestyle
- Is there a 2009 Masters Nationals competitiors list available yet
- Important Update for all Masters Nats Competitors
- Esplendido's contest prep
- Dougie's contest prep
- Masters Nationals
- psyched on arm size!
- Possibilty of the same person winning Over 35 and Over 45
- Smoking Esplendido
- Inspired in Pittsburgh!
- this has nothing to do with bodybuilding really
- Muscle building program which has worked great for me, but??
- Summer summary
- Got me an old school accessory on order
- We must be out of our heads!
- Bucki's Master's journal
- Tricep tendon rupture
- Frederick Savage from France
- Knee injury - anyone gone through this?
- Johnnie Jackson 765 lb. deadlifts
- Cutting is so fun...not!
- Thinking About HRT, opinions please?
- help with supplementation
- Pro Tan
- What it takes to grow muscle
- Air travel with HRT meds
- Delmonte's muscle building program... hype?
- Posing Trunk and Tanning Question
- mike's occasional progress pic thread
- Total Package
- ifbb world champ 0ver 60
- Just when..,.
- pics of us as kids
- New to RXMuscle
- get raided by FDA
- AnglicanBeachParty's contest thread ...
- How do you know if you got low test
- my dexascan results
- Fuckin Badassmuthafucka thread
- I only put my faith in God- and heavy lifters
- Should I pose for a calender?
- It looks like HRT for me
- Update on shoulder surgery
- lean bulking for masters
- Lean Bulk is it possible
- Think I should compete again ??
- Challenge Thread
- Wanna get inspired? Watch!!
- BigDaddyd's RXmuscle/Species Arnold Challenge thread
- Mike and Paula's Journal of Life, Love and Ever-Changing Goals
- egg whites question
- Props to the Challenge boys!
- Confession time
- Ramblings
- Where's Baldie?????
- The Dave Marinelli Story!
- Love letter to the Rx Challenge participants
- Bucki's going to Columbus and bringing home the title!!
- AnglicanBeachParty's Arnold Challenge prep thread.
- Published!
- The BEAUTY in a Sea of Beasts
- Official Arnold Rx Challenge sign-up thread
- FBG's Charge to C-Bus
- Here I go!
- Masters Challenge Update
- Please Welcome your new Masters Forum Leader, Joe DeMarco!
- Blu Bulks for some Big Ones Journal
- Injury Q & A with Dr. Joe
- Off Season Bulk
- Supplement Input
- Need help!
- Matt's Journey to 5%--RX Muscle/Species Arnold Challenge
- Stop Squatting?
- Callin all Masters....
- Supremacy
- One of us this weekend...
- Pro Card Bleu Taylor
- Check this guy out - 74 years old
- Q&A: Show Prep-The Final Weeks/Days
- 2010 NPC Midwest Novice BB, Fitness, Figure and Bikini Classic
- GirlyMuscle's Hangout
- Freebird's Lean Bulk
- Kimm's Playground...
- Old school Mid-City Gym
- Hmmmmm... Remind you of a certain forum?
- Master's Challenge Update
- The journal............
- V-Man Comeback Journal
- New Years and goals for 2010
- Screaming while working out
- Shameless Senior Solicitation!
- Back in the Gym, First workout for me.
- Bob's Place
- The "Power, Unlimited Power!" Sith log
- Hey, just got some MAssdrol, Help a Noob out Please!
- Capt's Quest to the 2010 Ohio Natural's!
- Poll- How many sets do you do?
- The Murtaugh List
- AAS in hungary
- Testosterone to Fine-Tune an Aging Body
- Axioma's Journal and Journey to Masters Nationals 2011
- Doing a 50 over Masters show
- Master's "routines"
- Who is posting on MD and RX?
- Hyperplasia?
- Hyperplasia?
- Leg workout pics
- Blood, Guts and Intensity
- How HRT helped me transform my body. Here are segments from my TV show.
- Happy Valentines to all women on RX
- Interesting article on cholesterol
- FDA New Indication for Crestor, Even if You Don't Have High Cholesterol
- Hypoglycemia and bodybuilding
- tentative plan to train while in Columbus
- What the most size you ever gained in a bulk cycle?
- PRIMO only cycle?
- Muscle Stimulation vs. Muscle Fatigue
- One week! Are you ready????
- If you're going to the Masters Nationals . . .
- BH Journal
- New HRT Discussion Group in RxMusclePlace
- Hey you fuckers I need some help!
- Can't make it to the Arnold.
- The winner is...
- hello, new guy
- Wanted To Start My Contest Prep Journal But...
- To the winners of the Rx Armold Challenge
- How did you get so big?
- Question to the guys who shaved their heads....
- Are there any pics posted of the RX/Arnold Challenge?
- Masters Challenge Pic Thread
- fitness after 50
- Not bodybuilding related Updated Pics of Tyroc
- 50 yr old looking for answers!
- Basic Commands
- Let's get RECRUITS!
- Jscans damn I'm fricken getting skinny contest prep
- On HRT? I'll be interviewd on treating side effects of AAS on 3/19
- Overkill-The Kai Green Video by Mike Pulcinella
- Yo Matt what the fuck???
- Newbie just joined
- People......Ugggh
- How Do You Train? Covered Up or Showing As Much Skin As Possible?
- Loose Skin
- thermogenics and cutting
- Esplendido's hobble to the Nationals
- Good night in the gym last night.
- My Better Body
- ABP's 1200-day road to Pittsburgh (2013).
- How did you get your bicep to peak? Hints for other trying to do this!
- Log Stuff
- Masters Forum needs Traffic light...getting busy
- Masters deserve respect...
- High Intensity Training and the Elderly
- Do your negatives!- The Effects of eccentric exercise
- Hypertrophy- one more
- New HRT Product
- Does Oxymethylone give memory loss?
- So how many folks on here are doing Masters Nationals?
- I month progress pics
- Congrats to All the Masters Bodybuilders!
- Any updates on HRT clinics?
- Some poses I am working on
- Cad - 14 Months To First Comp
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