View Full Version : Religion and Philosophy
- How many Christians?
- Do you believe in God?
- Obama Agrees with...Bush???!!
- In Honor of Michael Phelps
- why do people laugh at creationists?
- foundational falsehoods of creationism
- from big bang to us -- made easy series
- CrAP debunked
- Should Bill O'Reilly Apologize???
- The Life of Christ
- What's your party?
- Bill Clinton on the Economy: NOT IT!
- Arnold Is Just Waiting to Screw California
- Which political party is better for people who illegally use anabolic drugs?
- More Liberal Hypocrisy During The Financial Crisis
- "Because of Bush, we haven't been attacked..."
- How To Tell When The Economy's Getting Better
- "Change" in the way we are exploited
- Alright guys...let's get under the hood of this political cartoon mess
- Obama/McCain /Nascar
- Hillary: "We Must Kiss China's Ass Because We Need Their Money"
- So how long till Obama completely ruins this country?
- If there was ever any doubt as to Arnold having some Black in him...
- 911 Press For Truth
- Army Charity Hoards Millions
- FDR Warns Against Economic Royalists
- North Korea
- Bullshit-Peta
- Michael Steele settling into the role of 'Crazy Uncle Mike"
- Russia Sinks Chinese Ship
- How does everyone feel about dying?
- The Results of Big Government...
- Money vs Religion vs Education
- Is America the next Roman Empire?
- Major General says president's eligibility needs proof
- The Complete Idiot's Guide to the New World Order
- Arnold Schwarzenegger Exposed
- Religulous
- Red Haired Mummies of China
- The fairy tale of jesus and christianity
- El padrino pablo escobar
- David icke
- Uncle Sam's Plantation
- Boggles the mind
- Will Obama Break A Record?
- Historic Fabrications
- Obama to Restore ‘Science Integrity’ as Part of Stem-Cell Shift
- Supreme Court refuses to expand minority voting rights
- Obama Approval Poll
- Zeitgeist Addendum
- health insurance
- What religion are you?
- Powerful spycamera at Obama Inaugeration?
- Freedom
- Another O'Reilly Thread
- Hey St Patrick, I am still here...Pagan and Proud
- The Economist argues for the Legalization of Drugs!!
- The Case for Paying Out Bonuses at A.I.G.
- Why is america okay with welfare collectors who dont need/deserve it?
- Golden Parachutes for Executives
- Photo Blog of the World Financial Crisis
- Zionism & The Zionist movement
- The Big Takeover - Rolling Stone
- 2012
- By-By Internet?
- Stimulus Bill already seeing effects in my area!!
- Chuck Norris...Terrorist
- Financial Overhaul
- Experts say recession ending soon
- Codex Alimentarius
- Buy Artificial Trees, Silk Flowers, Silk Plants For Cheap
- Guild Wars
- Fascism
- Definitive proof of my beliefs
- BK's fight against Fascism, Socailism & Communism
- The Truth About American Health Care
- 10 Most Important Recent Medical Innovations: By Country
- The Communist Manifesto
- The Obama Deception
- The G20 protests
- Faux Noise spreading lies again
- Colbert vs Beck
- Where do you support law enforcement and regulations?
- You thought AIG was bad?
- Vacation? Head for Guantanamo...
- Any non-religious/atheist Republicans?
- No Nukes
- What if, Germany or France Just got Nuked By N. Korea or Iran
- The Cult of the Suicide Bomber
- Gambling and Christianity
- Famed British MEP On The UK's Awful National Health Service
- Aaron Russo's America:Freedom to Fascism
- Proof the U.N. is a Complete Waste
- Hope You Paid Your Taxes..
- This is Why I don't like Hannity
- Stop adding fluoride to our water!
- How long until America impliments manditory military service?
- Happy Easter for Orthodox Christians
- Barack Obama & David Icke
- Connecting the Dots - Oklahoma Steroid Bust in the Reddest State in the Union
- Miss North Carolina
- Are you ok with a non-white Jesus?
- Proof that all religion is absolute horse shit
- History repeats itself - do we ever learn?
- Truth
- The Rockefellers
- Another reason to hate religion(s people)
- The meaning of life
- Does anyone channel their inner being?
- Will you get Social Security or Medicare?
- Awesome Evolution vid.
- about the moral obligations of belief
- Obama and Gas Prices
- Swine Flu Conspiracy
- More proof that Dems are full of shit...
- This war is failing
- Are you for, or against terrorists and pedophiles?
- I use my brain to think, do you?
- Are you For or Against National/Universal Healthcare?
- Santa needs a bailout!!
- Kanye West is a genius
- Legal abortion reduces crime rates?
- Who is Happier
- Obama is a...
- lack of self discipline
- Lack of knowledge
- which socialist program will you denounce when you retire?
- what is the purpose of human cooperation?
- My Confession
- Nine One One
- Bill Maher on Obama
- Morals vs Ethics
- The problem of evil
- Maybe I was wrong about Obama.
- Iran
- World War II
- A PSA from Henry Rollins
- I know Jack about Christ
- N. Korea will wipe out U.S.A.
- Is Dave Religious?
- Concentration camps again?!?
- Does anyone still NOT believe 9/11 was purely
- Civilized
- Why Did Sarah Palin Resign as Governor of Alaska?
- O crap, here comes the apocalypse
- Dispute on upsidedown flag in Wisconsin
- The Kybalion
- The Essene Gospels of Peace
- Sam Singleton Atheist Evangelist
- *ATTENTION* Why I will NEVER stay at a Hilton
- Editing Palin's speech...
- Obama's Remark Regarding Harvard Professor Incident
- Universal Healthcare
- Nature`s Law
- Seeds of Destruction
- Why the aversion to Nuclear power?
- Thank Comrade Oboma for our nationalized car industry.
- Obama's aunt is an illegal alien? living in public housing?
- Cash for Clunkers
- 1,500 farmers commit mass suicide in India
- Odd coincedences in space
- The Science of God: It's simple volume displacement.
- Ethics...
- Doctor Who
- Obama/ Joker poster popping up in LA
- Denial is a powerful thing
- Global Tapas: small talk from around the world
- What should Obama do?
- What's up with this??
- Glenn Beck is a good American!!
- Why are there Russian subs off the east coast??
- Slurs aimed at Obama children
- Egyptians predicted Obama, Jesus spoke of Obama
- Fact check the Healthcare-scare buzz
- Sotomayor confirmed!!!
- What is the economic incentive for a health insurance company to pay claims?
- Cash for clunckers, $14B approved
- Sit down, shut up & pay your taxes
- Something sounds fishy? Obama wants to know!
- Inmate hides gun in flab
- Subvertising
- Obama’s Embrace of a Bush Tactic Riles Congress
- Harsh Sentencing in Myanmar
- 1 in 78 UK citizens spied on in 2008
- 'Un-American' attacks can't derail health care debate
- Now hiring -- Internment/Resettlement Specialist
- Do you believe in miracles?
- Agenda 21 -- their plan for your life
- Feds try to detect 'lone offenders'
- the american health care mess
- Where do you get your news?
- The Gubmint ownz ur 'puter.
- Why do some liberals THINK they are republicans???
- "Arab Festival 2009"
- WholeFoods CEO chimes in on Obamacare
- Parents Want Teen Convert Back Home
- Human Annunaki anthropology
- Does life exist in space?
- Occult origins of NASA
- Canadian politics
- No treats from Obama!
- FAQs on Creation Science
- Overburdened doctors shun all insurance
- Life-giving compound found in space
- Texas makes teaching the Bible mandatory
- We eye Canada's HC, they eye ours?
- socialist Pilger says: Obama Is A Corporate Marketing Creation
- Christian hired/ Christian suspended
- 'credit card Scarface'
- Prostitution & breast milk
- Properity Gospel: "fear will make you stingy"
- Only 6% of scientist identify as republicans
- Who will be our next president?
- Larry Flint: I'm calling for a national strike
- The rich get... poorer??
- New HIV found
- Remote healing
- Fingerprints of God
- The God-helmet!
- Why are transexuals allowed to obtain Testosterone legally, yet bodybuilders can't?
- I Can't Believe Khadafy would shake hands with Obama.....
- Ted Kennedy Dies
- The IHC
- Days away from economic chaos?
- would you rather spend 5 minutes in hell or 5 minutes in heaven?
- The illusion of reality
- Jail + fine for NOT taking the vaccine??
- So I'm racist for hating a dog killer?
- The State of the Country
- Another power grab...
- California is up for sale
- Why is america going to bomb the moon???
- A historical adolf hitler speech (with english subtitles)
- Ufo
- Depressed? or evolved?
- Ted Kennedy... Heaven or Hell??
- The God Delusion
- What happens after death?
- Documentary on war in Iraq
- World Health Organization comes out against homeopathy
- Is Jesus the only way to heaven?
- Ron Pauls new book "END THE FED" it out
- We've come a long way baby!
- Israeli organ theft scandal!!
- #19?! Enough bangin' already!!
- Jesus loves guns
- Top 10 reasons to adhere to Liberal ideology.
- RNC Healthcare Survey
- Man acts irrationally in WalMart
- Catholic church issues prayer for faithful to say before sex
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