View Full Version : Love and Relationships
- Love Connection for Singles
- Help! I'm Not Romantic!
- How fast can someone fall in love? (my saturday night chance meeting)
- When is it time to tell you love your girlfriend?
- I love you but your too fat....
- It's about time!
- Define "Love"
- Whats YOUR definition of the perfect date?
- When Relationships Fail
- the cynical look of love
- 38 too old to start trying for a baby?
- 10 Question Love Test
- How long would you be willing to wait for sex?
- Feeling Lost
- 17 years and then Gone
- When (if ever) is it ok to get back with the Ex?
- If you could change one thing??
- how to be a dude
- dancing
- Are you fixed?
- what does it for you?
- How to deal with a depressed spouse/gf/bf?
- Could you stay in a sexless or non satisfying sexual relationship?
- Do I get engaged or break up?
- Anyone ever forced to take a paternity test?
- Timing is Everything..
- how people stay with invalids and disabled spouses?
- Need advice from FBB ...
- Abstinence-only vs Sex Ed...
- Women? Hmmm
- Is this normal?
- What do you admire about your mate?
- the official he-man woman haters club
- I Love You, But
- Name good female body language.
- So i've been dating this girl with depression and low Libido... end it ?
- crushes, infatuation, and puppy love
- Are you and your partner the same faith?
- Pet names???
- Couples dieting/prepping together.
- Couples competition
- Marriage Proposals
- Taller partners?
- Outside interference: Fixing you up with someone
- vaginal tightness?
- can guys n girls be friends?
- Re: Your Reactions - GF is Moving Out
- Facebook
- Girls, what am i supposed to say?
- Am I Being Oversensitive?
- Dirty Pool!!!
- cant get it outta my head
- Casanovas of RX
- Non -supportive friends and family!
- sex supps
- Plenty of Fish (POF)
- Can you love more than 1 person?
- Fags giving dating advice
- Jealous of Significant Other's Friendship W/ Their Ex's??
- Popping the Question
- Male Circumcision
- She thinks its crazy.
- Busted by your fiance`/fiancee`...
- igniting love through eyes
- Dont ever get caught...
- Love Poems....
- "YOUR" song?
- Whats the best song during sex???
- Is Myspace/Facebook/Twitter hurt or help dating?
- Could you date a guy/girl with a physical handicap?
- a good date?
- Meeting girls at gym??
- Happy Fathers day. Funny vid
- The song....
- divorce: have you been through one?
- Sneaking Around
- The Rating Game - new book
- How long does it take to get over the loss of a love
- Vigin until marriage: Can it be done?
- is my reaction normal??
- Why is the divorce rate so much higher now than ever?
- Dating in the Industry
- Getting Married Next Week
- Guy facts/ Girl facts
- alcohol and relationships
- Bad Sex
- Single women ditch men for dogs
- Reloaded's Intervention for modern women. "Realization Creed"
- Inlaws
- How do you tell someone you in a casual relationship with that you have an STD?
- Anybody out there have a child by a man or woman they can't stand?
- Love poem
- Open relationships
- long distance relationships
- Sex Drive in Women
- What is the most romantic thing someone has ever done for you?
- Do opposite really attract?
- Finally moving in with my girlfriend
- on-line dating sites
- Pretty women make men stupid
- Getting Married!
- How to make men and women happy
- Love Songs
- Could you stay with a mate who did not find you PHYISCALLY attractive?
- Do pictures tell the story?
- My online dating blurb
- Would you date me?
- The formal date
- Should love be colorblind?
- Banned from!
- a very good store
- im fucking a fat chick
- Short and sweet
- cookies?! she sent me cookies?!
- how do i tell a girl i like her?
- Masturbation in a COMMITTED relationship
- Hmm My GF may be pregnant.
- How Fights Start
- Girlfriend or Working Out? Who is #1??
- man-scaping
- Woman's sense of entitlement
- What's the secret to a long-lasting relationship?
- Do you use the term "Significant Other"
- Long distance relationships
- Q: for the ladies... can you define "ME"?
- should i just drop this girl or what?
- best place to pick up women?
- Man screwed by chance meeting on MySpace
- help! i'm head over heels for this girl at my GYM!!!
- Do long engagments work out in the end?
- being single means...
- Why?
- Is it OK to date if you are about to get a divorce but your wife/kids still live w/you?
- Call me a pussy, I dont give a fuck....
- Be Good to Yourself?
- is this normal or not?
- youre attractive may i put my penis in you?
- funny read about different types of guys and how they get girls
- valentines day proposal
- Why is it that.....
- What would you do?
- Post- Breakup Collection of things
- The evil holiday called Valentines Day....
- have u ever paid for sex??
- The first official man bashing thread
- Valentine's Day Myths Revealed
- I need a Valentine
- H a p p y V a l e n t i n e ' s D a y , B a b y
- my wife shares our relationship to her friends. Its B.S.
- Valentines Day - FAIL!
- March 14th...Steak and BJ Day
- Valentines day card ban
- I met a cute girl on the train today - valentines day!
- When's the BEST time to have sex with your lady?
- Top post relationship songs
- spanish guy going out with a middle eastern muslim
- Wish me luck as i try to get some this weekend
- Psychos...myth or truth?
- Hahahaah i love valentines day!
- Do you kiss less the longer you're in a relationship?
- How much time?
- Slump Buster
- accents
- Lee Priest on monogamy
- Ok guys need your advice on my current 'relationship'
- Funny "shutdown" stories.
- not sure if my girl is still into me like b4
- The normal/average woman and bodybuilders
- You can dish it......... but can you take it!!!!
- disrespect issue and how should I handle it
- Back in the game
- Relationship "Breaks"
- Can guys and girls really be REAL friends
- Bodybuilding ends my latest relationship
- Humor: "I'm gonna @#$% your mom."
- another stupid love thread
- Zodiacal signs???
- Marriage: Would you do it again if you divorced before?
- Spring Cleaning, girl style
- pretty cool proposal video...
- Virgin: Could you???
- Way of the Superior Man
- Bodybuilder here?
- 2 gf in a year n back single once again,,, im more slutty then i thought
- Hot michigan muscle women??
- Fellas Gather Around Can We Talk...Gym Chicks!
- Average Face/Great Body or Pretty Face/Average Body
- 10 of the World's Worst Boyfriends
- addicted to love
- i am in love
- 10 facts about the vag
- Men, are we really being chivalrous?
- Music to f*ck to.. post up your Youtube faves
- black and white couples
- Spice up your love life
- My friend needs your help, he is lost on what he should do
- ~ Welcome your new Forum Leader ... FIREBLAST!! ~
- Q&A with Dr. LoveBlast
- 1-night stand says she's pregnant... HELP
- Ugliest and/or craziest couples image thread
- Men are Dicks but Women are Evil: Any Truth?
- Saw this somewhere else about Marriage
- girls crying during sex is this normal???
- What would you do if you caught a girl hacking your email account?
- how many previos sexual partners is too many?
- Medium thinking BIG!
- Weird vision to jerk off to?
- Would you date somebody with an STD?
- Overweight Girlfriend
- Debate on Understanding a Woman's Sexual Desire
- How To Love as a True Man
- What To Do: In Love w/ A Female Bodybuilder?
- Married but not happy.
- To keep your mouth shut, or to not keep your mouth shut?
- Confused!
- One way of handling things...
- Nothing good in NJ
- random 6 am rant
- One or the Other?
- What Happened To FIREBLAST?
- Anyone here ever been told their unit is too big?
- Getting over her?
- Sending that first text
- Breaking up when living under the same roof
- Bodybuilding and relationships
- Good girl freak
- Online Dating
- ***BLP Relationship Q and A/ ADVICE******
- can i get her back?
- can i get her back part 2
- Would women date a shorter man?
- Women would you date a guy more sexah than you?
- how to talk to a girl !
- Anyone ever felt suicidal over break up?
- Guys Who Would You Marry?
- What Turns You On More-Size or Strength?
- do girls not text you back
- The Gentlemens (and Ladies) Club
- Do you find it odd, when someone dates only outside of their race?
- Wife needs distance and time.
- What Should I Do?
- You need a girlfriend!!!
- Disciplining Children
- Help! I hate my brothers fiancee!
- So whats your HONEST opinion on MPD?
- What is dating like where you live?
- chick discloses STD...
- Rxmuscle, which cologne should I buy?
- why do people say black guys don't eat pussy?
- Calling out MattyH7688
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