View Full Version : Love and Relationships

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  1. Love Connection for Singles
  2. Help! I'm Not Romantic!
  3. How fast can someone fall in love? (my saturday night chance meeting)
  4. When is it time to tell you love your girlfriend?
  5. I love you but your too fat....
  6. It's about time!
  7. Define "Love"
  8. Whats YOUR definition of the perfect date?
  9. When Relationships Fail
  10. the cynical look of love
  11. 38 too old to start trying for a baby?
  12. 10 Question Love Test
  13. How long would you be willing to wait for sex?
  14. Feeling Lost
  15. 17 years and then Gone
  16. When (if ever) is it ok to get back with the Ex?
  17. If you could change one thing??
  18. how to be a dude
  19. dancing
  20. Are you fixed?
  21. what does it for you?
  22. How to deal with a depressed spouse/gf/bf?
  23. Could you stay in a sexless or non satisfying sexual relationship?
  24. Do I get engaged or break up?
  25. Anyone ever forced to take a paternity test?
  26. Timing is Everything..
  27. how people stay with invalids and disabled spouses?
  28. Need advice from FBB ...
  29. Abstinence-only vs Sex Ed...
  30. Women? Hmmm
  31. Is this normal?
  32. What do you admire about your mate?
  33. the official he-man woman haters club
  34. I Love You, But
  35. Name good female body language.
  36. So i've been dating this girl with depression and low Libido... end it ?
  37. crushes, infatuation, and puppy love
  38. Are you and your partner the same faith?
  39. Pet names???
  40. Couples dieting/prepping together.
  41. Couples competition
  42. Marriage Proposals
  43. Taller partners?
  44. Outside interference: Fixing you up with someone
  45. vaginal tightness?
  46. can guys n girls be friends?
  47. Re: Your Reactions - GF is Moving Out
  48. Facebook
  49. Girls, what am i supposed to say?
  50. Am I Being Oversensitive?
  51. Dirty Pool!!!
  52. cant get it outta my head
  53. Casanovas of RX
  54. Non -supportive friends and family!
  55. sex supps
  56. Plenty of Fish (POF)
  57. Can you love more than 1 person?
  58. Fags giving dating advice
  59. Jealous of Significant Other's Friendship W/ Their Ex's??
  60. Popping the Question
  61. Male Circumcision
  62. She thinks its crazy.
  63. Busted by your fiance`/fiancee`...
  64. igniting love through eyes
  65. Dont ever get caught...
  66. Love Poems....
  67. "YOUR" song?
  68. Whats the best song during sex???
  69. Is Myspace/Facebook/Twitter hurt or help dating?
  70. Could you date a guy/girl with a physical handicap?
  71. a good date?
  72. Meeting girls at gym??
  73. Happy Fathers day. Funny vid
  74. The song....
  75. divorce: have you been through one?
  76. Sneaking Around
  77. The Rating Game - new book
  78. How long does it take to get over the loss of a love
  79. Vigin until marriage: Can it be done?
  80. is my reaction normal??
  81. Why is the divorce rate so much higher now than ever?
  82. Dating in the Industry
  83. Getting Married Next Week
  84. Guy facts/ Girl facts
  85. alcohol and relationships
  86. Bad Sex
  87. Single women ditch men for dogs
  88. Reloaded's Intervention for modern women. "Realization Creed"
  89. Inlaws
  90. How do you tell someone you in a casual relationship with that you have an STD?
  91. Anybody out there have a child by a man or woman they can't stand?
  92. Love poem
  93. Open relationships
  94. long distance relationships
  95. Sex Drive in Women
  96. What is the most romantic thing someone has ever done for you?
  97. Do opposite really attract?
  98. Finally moving in with my girlfriend
  99. on-line dating sites
  100. Pretty women make men stupid
  101. Getting Married!
  102. How to make men and women happy
  103. Love Songs
  104. Could you stay with a mate who did not find you PHYISCALLY attractive?
  105. Do pictures tell the story?
  106. My online dating blurb
  107. Would you date me?
  108. The formal date
  109. Should love be colorblind?
  110. Banned from PlentyOfFish.com!
  111. a very good store
  112. Ok..so im fucking a fat chick
  113. Short and sweet
  114. cookies?! she sent me cookies?!
  115. how do i tell a girl i like her?
  116. Masturbation in a COMMITTED relationship
  117. Hmm My GF may be pregnant.
  118. How Fights Start
  119. Girlfriend or Working Out? Who is #1??
  120. man-scaping
  121. Woman's sense of entitlement
  122. What's the secret to a long-lasting relationship?
  123. Do you use the term "Significant Other"
  124. Long distance relationships
  125. Q: for the ladies... can you define "ME"?
  126. should i just drop this girl or what?
  127. best place to pick up women?
  128. Man screwed by chance meeting on MySpace
  129. help! i'm head over heels for this girl at my GYM!!!
  130. Do long engagments work out in the end?
  131. being single means...
  132. Why?
  133. Is it OK to date if you are about to get a divorce but your wife/kids still live w/you?
  134. Call me a pussy, I dont give a fuck....
  135. Be Good to Yourself?
  136. is this normal or not?
  137. youre attractive may i put my penis in you?
  138. funny read about different types of guys and how they get girls
  139. valentines day proposal
  140. Why is it that.....
  141. What would you do?
  142. Post- Breakup Collection of things
  143. The evil holiday called Valentines Day....
  144. have u ever paid for sex??
  145. The first official man bashing thread
  146. Valentine's Day Myths Revealed
  147. I need a Valentine
  148. H a p p y V a l e n t i n e ' s D a y , B a b y
  149. my wife shares our relationship to her friends. Its B.S.
  150. Valentines Day - FAIL!
  151. March 14th...Steak and BJ Day
  152. Valentines day card ban
  153. I met a cute girl on the train today - valentines day!
  154. When's the BEST time to have sex with your lady?
  155. Top post relationship songs
  156. spanish guy going out with a middle eastern muslim
  157. Wish me luck as i try to get some this weekend
  158. Psychos...myth or truth?
  159. Hahahaah i love valentines day!
  160. Do you kiss less the longer you're in a relationship?
  161. How much time?
  162. Slump Buster
  163. accents
  164. Lee Priest on monogamy
  165. Ok guys need your advice on my current 'relationship'
  166. Funny "shutdown" stories.
  167. not sure if my girl is still into me like b4
  168. The normal/average woman and bodybuilders
  169. You can dish it......... but can you take it!!!!
  170. disrespect issue and how should I handle it
  171. Back in the game
  172. Relationship "Breaks"
  173. Can guys and girls really be REAL friends
  174. Bodybuilding ends my latest relationship
  175. Humor: "I'm gonna @#$% your mom."
  176. another stupid love thread
  177. Zodiacal signs???
  178. Marriage: Would you do it again if you divorced before?
  179. Spring Cleaning, girl style
  180. pretty cool proposal video...
  181. Virgin: Could you???
  182. Way of the Superior Man
  183. Bodybuilder here?
  184. 2 gf in a year n back single once again,,, im more slutty then i thought
  185. Hot michigan muscle women??
  186. Fellas Gather Around Can We Talk...Gym Chicks!
  187. Average Face/Great Body or Pretty Face/Average Body
  188. 10 of the World's Worst Boyfriends
  189. addicted to love
  190. i am in love
  191. 10 facts about the vag
  192. Men, are we really being chivalrous?
  193. Music to f*ck to.. post up your Youtube faves
  194. black and white couples
  195. Spice up your love life
  196. My friend needs your help, he is lost on what he should do
  197. ~ Welcome your new Forum Leader ... FIREBLAST!! ~
  198. Q&A with Dr. LoveBlast
  199. 1-night stand says she's pregnant... HELP
  200. Ugliest and/or craziest couples image thread
  201. Men are Dicks but Women are Evil: Any Truth?
  202. Saw this somewhere else about Marriage
  203. girls crying during sex is this normal???
  204. What would you do if you caught a girl hacking your email account?
  205. how many previos sexual partners is too many?
  206. Medium thinking BIG!
  207. Weird vision to jerk off to?
  208. Would you date somebody with an STD?
  209. Overweight Girlfriend
  210. Debate on Understanding a Woman's Sexual Desire
  211. How To Love as a True Man
  212. What To Do: In Love w/ A Female Bodybuilder?
  213. Married but not happy.
  214. To keep your mouth shut, or to not keep your mouth shut?
  215. Confused!
  216. One way of handling things...
  217. Nothing good in NJ
  218. random 6 am rant
  219. One or the Other?
  220. What Happened To FIREBLAST?
  221. Anyone here ever been told their unit is too big?
  222. Getting over her?
  223. Sending that first text
  224. Breaking up when living under the same roof
  225. Bodybuilding and relationships
  226. Good girl freak
  227. Online Dating
  228. ***BLP Relationship Q and A/ ADVICE******
  229. can i get her back?
  230. can i get her back part 2
  231. Would women date a shorter man?
  232. Women would you date a guy more sexah than you?
  233. how to talk to a girl !
  234. Anyone ever felt suicidal over break up?
  235. Guys Who Would You Marry?
  236. What Turns You On More-Size or Strength?
  237. do girls not text you back
  238. The Gentlemens (and Ladies) Club
  239. Do you find it odd, when someone dates only outside of their race?
  240. Wife needs distance and time.
  241. What Should I Do?
  242. You need a girlfriend!!!
  243. Disciplining Children
  244. Help! I hate my brothers fiancee!
  245. So whats your HONEST opinion on MPD?
  246. What is dating like where you live?
  247. chick discloses STD...
  248. Rxmuscle, which cologne should I buy?
  249. why do people say black guys don't eat pussy?
  250. Calling out MattyH7688