View Full Version : Looking for some feed back

11-11-2012, 12:28 PM
Hey Gang
Just met with a anti aging doc on Fri
looking to do the hrt and other things based on the blood work.
I have been on anatropin for about a week and a half
Doc wants me to stay off my supps for two weeks and then take the test so we get a true reading
Other things I am taking is creatine, jacked3 micro, and a post workout powder with protien after workouts
Will I be able to go back on the supps after blood work?
Will I be double teaming towards the good or just throwing money away
What results have people gotten out there?
Just want to be bigger than a little fitness guy (sorry)
Currently my base line is i am 55 years young, weight 235 can bench 305, leg press 700 (sorry not trying to boast but give an idea for where I am at for the feedback)
BTW can't squat due to rods and screws in back

All the Best

joe d
11-21-2012, 05:56 PM
Hey Gang
Just met with a anti aging doc on Fri
looking to do the hrt and other things based on the blood work.
I have been on anatropin for about a week and a half
Doc wants me to stay off my supps for two weeks and then take the test so we get a true reading
Other things I am taking is creatine, jacked3 micro, and a post workout powder with protien after workouts
Will I be able to go back on the supps after blood work?
Will I be double teaming towards the good or just throwing money away
What results have people gotten out there?
Just want to be bigger than a little fitness guy (sorry)
Currently my base line is i am 55 years young, weight 235 can bench 305, leg press 700 (sorry not trying to boast but give an idea for where I am at for the feedback)
BTW can't squat due to rods and screws in back

All the Best
just do what the doc says until the bloods. after that a good nutrition plan will go a long way. creatine and protein powders are okay. fresh sources of those nutrients are better of course. stims arent healthy especially as you get older.