View Full Version : Fat loss for natural BBs?

02-17-2009, 04:33 PM
I have been doing Daves diet for almost three weeks now and got stuck.

Which supplements can a natural BB take to get in shape?

Do fatburners like L-Carnitine really work?

Can I take aspirine and coffein without the epedrine?

Thanks for you help.

02-17-2009, 04:52 PM
I have been doing Daves diet for almost three weeks now and got stuck.

Which supplements can a natural BB take to get in shape?

Do fatburners like L-Carnitine really work?

Can I take aspirine and coffein without the epedrine?

Thanks for you help.

Don't think supps are going to help to much if you got stuck 3 weeks into it. That's got to be diet based right there. I think on Dave's Q&A he has spelled out what to do if you stop seeing progress in stages.
I wouldn't (personally) relagate myself to supps this early for constant progress, cause what if you stall again? Then you're just screwed lol
You can also ask Spiko. I know he's ran keto a few times and did well on it.

02-17-2009, 05:12 PM
...I think on Dave's Q&A he has spelled out what to do if you stop seeing progress in stages. ...

No, he has not. :confused:

02-17-2009, 05:31 PM
No, he has not. :confused:
I'm a dick. Sorry this is what I had read. Read the WHOLE thing Todd lol
I know that if you stall on keto you lower the fats. How much I have no idea. Also have you been having refeeds? If so and you're stalled they may be to big. Dave stated nothing over 100g carbs.
TJoe is also running keto and I believe he's well into it. You may ask him since this is his second go round.

Dave, I recently had a sebaceous cyst lanced, and am having to have the dressing changed every two days.....because if this, i havnt been training for the last 3 weeks and it look slike its gonna be a while before im totally done with this treatment....i was following your diet before all this started for about 4 weeks and im sticking to it so i dont put on weight while im inactive.....you think this is a good idea? Any modifications for someone not training? lower the fats?
DP: It depends on your metabolism – keep the diet as it is and adjust it if you start to gain weight. The first adjustment should be small – take 5g of protein and 5g fat off each meal.

02-17-2009, 05:41 PM
he is increasing my cardio in small daily increments

No reduction in food.

02-18-2009, 05:26 AM
Add in more cardio. And Dave says to cut the fats down some. I wouldnt cut protein thats for sure. When I stall, I go an extra week without the cheat meal.......its hard man lol.

tight booty
02-18-2009, 08:04 AM
Yes you could add in more cardio. How much are you currently doing?

02-18-2009, 10:30 AM
I don't do cardio according to a plan. I listen to my body and that is about 2-3 cardio sessions a week. I do it for an hour.

I'm gonna do cardio every morning now and see if it works for me. Before I go I have a cup of black coffee/or a caffeine pill.

Is a caffein pill a stimulant? Well, even if it is.. I don't care. I take it.

02-18-2009, 10:57 AM
I don't do cardio according to a plan. I listen to my body and that is about 2-3 cardio sessions a week. I do it for an hour.

I'm gonna do cardio every morning now and see if it works for me. Before I go I have a cup of black coffee/or a caffeine pill.

Is a caffein pill a stimulant? Well, even if it is.. I don't care. I take it.

I would start with 45 min a day every day. Caffeine is a stimulant so go ahead and use it - unless you want to be 100% Natural lol...

02-18-2009, 03:14 PM
The first thing to look at is your diet, to make sure you're not getting in any unaccounted for calories. Are you weighing all your food? Are you recording every meal? For Dave's diet to work, you have to commit 100%, because if you don't you'll stall out. It could be something as small as putting the wrong amount of PB in your shakes, so make sure you double check everything you were doing.

As for supps, on Dave's diet you want to minimize cortisol production, so you'll want to avoid stimulants if possible. That said, something like 7-keto dhea or yohimbine could help a bit, and you might want to check out how some of the newer ones like Dren or Mitotropin or Meltdown work, I honestly haven't taken a close look at those supps and their primary mechanism, but it's possible they might help without too much in the way of stims.

02-18-2009, 04:46 PM
Dave advises cardio every day with a min of 20 mins. Try 30mins empty stomach daily 120-30BPM and up this by 10mins every week once you have reached 60 mins start splitting your cardio sessions AM\PM, 60mins at a time MAX. If fat loss then stalls add a non-stim fat burner. If you stall again then look at changing the diet by adding protien\veg days.
Changing calories and cardio with fat burners at once will be too many variables

02-19-2009, 04:21 AM
If your diet is right (don't mess around too much with it) you then need increase your cardio- at least do it consistently 6 days per week.

02-19-2009, 04:36 PM
I have been doing Daves diet for almost three weeks now and got stuck.

Which supplements can a natural BB take to get in shape?

Do fatburners like L-Carnitine really work?

Can I take aspirine and coffein without the epedrine?

Thanks for you help.

If you are a natural BB because you compete in NATURAL and TESTED shows, then you need to find out with the event sanctioned what is exactly banned. there are som OTC items you can buy at GNC/BB>COm etc that are banned (compounds without being anabolic steroids OR strong diueretics)

Depending on what kind of "shape" you are looking to get in to, there are plenty of fatburners that will work and get you moving. I think the key to any stimlant is to remember you'll feel like doing cardio and they do supress hunger pains. Therefore if you are on a plan where you are not doing much cardio to begin with, the stimulant may make you feel nervous/jittery etc.

Fatburners in real life for regular people only WORK because they make people want to move. (IMO) I know the science of thermogenics etc is out there, but i see all of it as a much needed marketing ploy, to give reg. people the option of a "magic pill"

It will take hardwork and diet, cardio and attention to what is actually working for YOUR body to get things going in the right direction.

Yes, caff/aspirn or yohimbe and aspirin work well, however look up the research on amounts to take of each etc.for your body weight.

02-20-2009, 04:52 AM
Dave advises cardio every day with a min of 20 mins. Try 30mins empty stomach daily 120-30BPM and up this by 10mins every week once you have reached 60 mins start splitting your cardio sessions AM\PM, 60mins at a time MAX. If fat loss then stalls add a non-stim fat burner. If you stall again then look at changing the diet by adding protien\veg days.
Changing calories and cardio with fat burners at once will be too many variables
Great post...

02-20-2009, 06:09 AM
I have been doing Daves diet for almost three weeks now and got stuck.

Which supplements can a natural BB take to get in shape?

Do fatburners like L-Carnitine really work?

Can I take aspirine and coffein without the epedrine?

Thanks for you help.

Without seeing Dave's diet I'm guessing it has about 8 meals a day in it. Cut these meals in half by volume and eat 16 meals a day, this works for me.

03-21-2009, 06:00 AM
ask dave is the best way if you are working with him. he will fix any sticking point. for sure.

03-27-2009, 12:40 PM
Ok guys, here is what I've been doing:

I only take 4 meals but cut them to 8 meals a day.

2,5 eggs

2,5 eggs

100g lpm 20g maca/almonds

100g lpm 20g maca/almonds

same with
fpm, flaxseed oil salad vinegar

fpm, flexseed oil salad vinegar

1 scoop whey 20g peanuts

1 scoop whey 20g peanuts.

That's 4 'Dave-meals' but cut into 8 meals.

WORKS GREAT! I even have 2 cheat meals a week (every 3 days) and I still lose weight, it's great. Works for me.

08-20-2012, 11:59 AM
Меня зовут Мария. Хочу Вам предоставить сайт, на котором я разместила самые лучшие сайты по диетам, проверенные лично мной и моими подругами. Под каждым из них мое личное описание. Выбираейте тот, который Вам больше понравится,но уверяю Васони все замечательные. Я с их помощью за месяц скинула порядка 11кг. Чему очень рада. Совсем забыла про главное,вот моя страничка: http://moya-dieta.16mb.com/ Заходите, пробуйте, и все у Вас получится)

08-20-2012, 12:09 PM
Ok guys, here is what I've been doing:

I only take 4 meals but cut them to 8 meals a day.

2,5 eggs

2,5 eggs

100g lpm 20g maca/almonds

100g lpm 20g maca/almonds

same with
fpm, flaxseed oil salad vinegar

fpm, flexseed oil salad vinegar

1 scoop whey 20g peanuts

1 scoop whey 20g peanuts.

That's 4 'Dave-meals' but cut into 8 meals.

WORKS GREAT! I even have 2 cheat meals a week (every 3 days) and I still lose weight, it's great. Works for me.

How many calories is this?

09-13-2012, 03:57 PM
L- Carnitine by Beverly Nutrition