View Full Version : T-bol vs. Var

12-06-2014, 01:00 PM
Hey guys! I was looking to get some opinions on oral T-bol vs. Var. I have run two Var cycles. Both at 10mg split twice daily. First cycle was 8 weeks. Second cycle 12 weeks. My only main side was acne on my shoulders later in my second cycle. I noticed a lot of strength and recovery from the Var. I've been reading a lot on T-bol lately. I see it's run similar to a Var cycle. Low sides. It seems its results show slower, but people seem to say they had better results in adding muscle size. I am looking to add more size in muscle. Any opinions?

12-06-2014, 01:15 PM
Also, I lift 5-6 days a week. I have been doing more compound lifts such as bench, squats, shoulder press, and dead lifts. They seem to pack on more size than the isolated movements. I still do some isolated movements too. I do a four day split of opposing body parts. 1. Chest/back, 2. Bis/tris, 3. Legs, 4. Shoulders. I eat an 1800 calorie diet of roughly 40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fat. Carbs are consumed before and after workouts. Hopefully this helps a little... I'd love to know opinions from those who have run both cycles. How were sides? Time on? Dosage? Results as far a muscle size? Loss of gains after cycle ended?

12-06-2014, 06:27 PM
Are you running them alone?

12-06-2014, 07:39 PM
Absolutely. I have run Var before. Debating on T-bol for next cycle...

12-07-2014, 12:25 AM
There's a section in the Women & Drugs stickie about T-bol. Generally the dosage and cycle time are comparable to Var (i.e. run it the same way). As you noted, results tend to come a little slower, but overall comparable to var.