View Full Version : Evo ebook - anabolic factor chapter 8

03-04-2016, 10:50 PM
In this evolutionary steroid ebook chapter 8 we discuss PCT.

Read: http://www.evolutionary.org/chapter-8-steroid-ebook

discuss: http://www.evolutionary.org/forums/anabolic-steroids-peds/chapter-8-post-cycle-therapy-%96-evolutionary-anabolic-factor-ebook-41800.html

Masonic Bodybuilder
03-05-2016, 08:14 AM
Great concise article on pct. I believe this is the most important part of a cycle. The whole purpose of a cycle is to keep our gains and a good pct is how to do this. I would also add that the SARM ostarine and PPAR modulator Cardarine are great additions to a pct. here is a link to the perfect pct which explains how to dose them. http://www.evolutionary.org/the-perfect-post-cycle-therapy-pct Nice job Lev!

03-05-2016, 08:21 AM
too many guys still do not bother to PCT which is a mistake. what ends up happening is your HPTA never recovers properly after a cycle, and you are forced to go on TRT for life. not just that but they lose all their gains and end up worse than before, see it happen all the time.

03-05-2016, 11:53 AM
Lev, my hat goes off to you. These chapters are extremely well written and are a wealth of knowledge. There is as much information in all these chapters put together as some of my university textbooks that I have spent close to a thousand dollars on. I can't believe you are giving this all away for free.

Great job Lev.