View Full Version : Body building for 47XXY male getting Testosterone therapy...

03-15-2016, 05:53 AM
I’m 41 years old and writing from Ankara/Turkey. I was born as 47XXY male. I’d also cryptorchidism. I’d surgeried at 5 yrs. old. As most 47XXY, I’ve some feminine body characteristics (feminine hipbone, gynecomasty, feminine hair profile, small testicles, smaller prostate, gynoid structure etc). I’m married and I’m getting inferitility treatment. I’ve low testosterone, high FSH and high estradiol. As this context, my urologist suggest Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). Now I’m getting 50mg/day Clomid, 1 mg/day Arimidex, and 25 mg/day Proviron. About 2 months, my muscles strengthened, my voice is more deeper, increasing libido, some increasing body hair. I decided get training, so I registered a sport center. At this center, I found a trainer man bodybuilder. I told my situation to him. He said that, “you’re advantageous about testosterone tolerance. So you can start bodybuilding. But with regular exercise, and regular nutrition. He gave me a startup plan. I’m curious about keep on bodybuilding can cause feminine style bodybuilder shape for me? I’m hesitated to ask question my trainer. May be, I asked this to men’s forum section. So I preferred to firstly ask this to women bodybuilder professionals. Thank you in advance for your feedback...

03-15-2016, 01:55 PM
just to be clear-you want to use bodybuilding to make a more feminine physique/look?

03-15-2016, 05:26 PM
Exactly yes. I want to more shaped like female bodybuilders. Why? Because, I'm 47XXY male. My bones never will be shaped or changed like normal 46XY man. I think, there is no choice for me. So is it possible, bodybuilding process gain female like bodybuilder shape? Thanks for advice and interest.