View Full Version : Finishing cut, beginning "bulk"

08-27-2009, 10:51 AM
I've been dieting for 6 months now using a carb cycling diet. mix of high med and low days each week. Back and Leg days were high for obvious reasons, shoulders and arms med and 2 low days with carbs being around 60g.

I want to compete for the first time in May 2010 but i want to put on some more LBM before i diet down.

This is the leanest I've ever been and don't want to jump into a bulk and put on fat. So, my question is should i slowly bring calories/carbs back to maintenance for a few weeks in order to let my system reset and get used to this BF %? Or should i jump into a positive energy balance and take advantage of the possible metabolic swing?

I'll be using Christian Thibadeau's Optimum Volume Training
for the full 8 weeks.

After that, I'll continue gaining but with a bulk/cut style ala Layne Norton.

ps: some stats
started diet at 222lbs
currently holding around 198

Calories range from High days of 2700
Medium days 2400
Low Days 2000-2100

High days 200grams
Med days 140 grams
Low days 67grams

Protein is always either at or just under 300g

Maintenance calories seems to be 3000 and i would continue carb cycling with higher macros

08-27-2009, 12:08 PM
If you are very lean, like show lean, I would honestly have a 2-4 week period where you take advantage of the metabolic & physioligic state you are in. Increase calories a good deal. Keep them clean and really rely on nutrient timing (highest carb meals as meals 1 and post workout). In other meals, taper your carbs throughout the rest of the day. I would also keep my pre workout and last meal of the day carb free. Try adding 10-14 grams of EFA's to your pre workout protein and add an additional 7-10 EFA's with your last meal. This is a good way to switch energy sources so you there is a limited amt of glucose circulating in the blood in order to utilize stored fat for fuel during your workout and then again at night limiting blood glucose to decrease the chances of it turning into fat.

Take this 2-4 week approach to put on some good size then take a 2 week period to tighten back up slightly before entering your official bulk. This way you can take advantage of teh insulin sensitivity you've created while dieting, yet not gain an excessive amt of fat. After that, I would use Layne's methods of 4-6 weeks of bulking followed by 2-3 weeks of a "slight" cutting period.

Also, be cognizant of YOUR body. If you tend to store fat easily (as I do), you're going to have to stay very clean and keep the carbs low-moderate realtively speaking. If you are more ectomorphic, go ahead and really jump into this thing. Don't be afraid to start a journal and post pics to keep you held accountable and get feedback as well.

08-27-2009, 12:27 PM
Thanks for the quick response!

Unfortunately I'm not show lean, just leaner than I've ever been. Still in good shape by normal standards, But as bodybuilders we hold ourselves to a higher standard.

So, since i'm NOT show lean, I'm assuming a few weeks in which my calories and carbs slowly climb back to maintenance would be a good idea?

08-27-2009, 01:40 PM
Yes, you are probably correct.