View Full Version : Take garlic to build natty muscle

10-20-2009, 07:15 PM
I've read a few peer reviewed research studies that have found evidence for garlic being able to positively influence muscle (http://www.needtobuildmuscle.net/index2.html) building.

According to these studies, garlic has shown efficacy for increasing LH, increasing positive nitrogen balance intervals, and increasing testosterone levels.

I've taken garlic myself for detox purposes prior to reading this research and never failed to observe a very noticeable increase in my sex drive. Because I'd never heard garlic could increase T I just always assumed it was a coincidence.

I can vouch for freeze dried garlic as definitely being effective at increasing T production as this was the from in which I took garlic. I would recommend either fresh or freeze dried only as the thiosulfinates in garlic begin to degrade quite rapidly after the bulb is crushed. I would not expect those garlic pills from the supermarket to perform as well. Fresh garlic is of course an option too. It's way cheaper, but much stinkier. I found that about 7000mg of freeze dried a day really gave me a nice sex drive. I noticed the same effect from about 5 cloves a day (roughly 1/2 a fresh bulb)

I'm thinking this could potentially be an effective bridge off cycle to natty and a natty way to preserve cycle gains. I used it as a bridge this Summer and it seemed to work well for that purpose.

Ok here's just one link to research, but as I mentioned there are others out there. http://jn.nutrition.org/cgi/content/full/131/8/2150

10-20-2009, 08:14 PM
I love garlic...I eat about 20 cloves a day. I can't eat any kind of meat without garlic. I try to use parsley and the sauna to get rid of the odor. Luckily, I'm in college so I don't have to worry about being fired from a job.

It's priceless to see the people leave the sauna after I walk in there.

10-22-2009, 04:21 PM
i love garlic...i eat about 20 cloves a day. I can't eat any kind of meat without garlic. I try to use parsley and the sauna to get rid of the odor. Luckily, i'm in college so i don't have to worry about being fired from a job.

It's priceless to see the people leave the sauna after i walk in there.
