View Full Version : DNP during PCT?

02-06-2010, 07:55 PM
what are your thoughts on running DNP during your PCT... i would run it after but where i live itll be in the 60-80's by then...

02-06-2010, 10:30 PM
Have you ever used it?I have and it's terrible and i live in SE Texas hotter than fuck,on top of that DNP is a poison and i would never use it again or recommend anyone at any dose using it!!

02-06-2010, 10:34 PM
I don't think it's going to mess with your recovery. You'll just feel shitty in general - short of breath, sweaty, miserable sleeping, struggling through workouts...depends on your dose and how long you run it.

There is a lot of info on DNP in the women's forum that you can read (it doesn't pertain to women in particular - just general DNP usage). Dangers of DNP ~ All you Need to Know - RX Muscle Forums

02-07-2010, 12:03 AM
What dose are you planning? I dabbled with 150 mg/day on cycle and it sucked (note to self: tren and DNP don't mix). Currently running 300 mg/day during PCT and energy is good.

02-07-2010, 12:11 AM
i plan on starting it at 250mg/day and mayb boosting it up to 500(ill see how my body reacts)... i plan on running it no longer than 3 weeks... i was hoping itd be ok to use during pct to lean out as much as i can...

02-07-2010, 01:28 AM
i plan on starting it at 250mg/day and mayb boosting it up to 500(ill see how my body reacts)... i plan on running it no longer than 3 weeks... i was hoping itd be ok to use during pct to lean out as much as i can...
by pct time you should already be lean :dunno: