View Full Version : MIKE MENTZER exlusive film hours before his death.
02-17-2010, 08:53 PM
Mike Mentzer's HIT: Behind The Scenes - Part I and 5
The other 3 parts in the series is on youtube as well.
3 hours after this shooting Mike was found dead. 3 days later his brother Ray was found dead as well.
RIP to both
YouTube- Mike Mentzer's HIT: Behind The Scenes - Part I
YouTube- Mike Mentzer's HIT: Behind The Scenes - Part V
02-17-2010, 08:56 PM
/ The old days. The legend.
02-17-2010, 09:10 PM
wtf is he saying
02-17-2010, 09:16 PM
My god, watch the 2nd video and take note of Mentzers mouth. He sounds like he has zero saliva. He keeps wetting his mouth just to speak. Almost like his mouth is full of marbles or something.
the mighty stu
02-17-2010, 10:23 PM
He looks sort of zoned out in the first clip....
02-17-2010, 10:45 PM
he was moving around like he was a 90 yr old!! just very sad
big nut
02-17-2010, 10:55 PM
what caused his death?
02-17-2010, 11:10 PM
what caused his death?
heart attack
02-17-2010, 11:36 PM
seems fishy that him and his borther both died... anyone know the causes of death?
02-18-2010, 12:35 AM
If you look at his wikipedia page it said he used to be addicted to meth. Possible cause.
Curt James
02-18-2010, 12:59 AM
Far right, is that Ray?
02-18-2010, 01:50 AM
seems fishy that him and his borther both died... anyone know the causes of death?
In this interview Dave & John talks with Michael Zumpano and Zumpano suspects Mike, Ray and Curtis Leffler all died as a result of experimenting with DNP.
Curt James
02-18-2010, 02:16 AM
^I remember that one. They should interview Zumpano again!
I never knew or spoke to Mike but I`ve heard everything from he was a complete wacko to some people have said he was one of the most honorable people they have ever met.It would be interesting to know what he was really like.
The Ultimate Warrior
02-18-2010, 11:17 AM
What a fucking nut. I wish he could have trained me.
02-18-2010, 11:25 AM
I never knew or spoke to Mike but I`ve heard everything from he was a complete wacko to some people have said he was one of the most honorable people they have ever met.It would be interesting to know what he was really like.
He has some theories, but he will bore you to death with all of his analogies. He rehashed the same damn "sun tan" story over and over and over. I have a tape of an interview that Bill Phillips did with Mike, and Mike just makes analogy after analogy, it gets super boring.
Also, the theory about how he died with the DNP......
Why would an old man in his 60's even be touching that stuff?
02-18-2010, 12:00 PM
sad... those two had great physiques.
02-18-2010, 01:04 PM
I knew someone who used to drive for Arthur Jones. Or so he says.
Said Mentzer was a complete wack job, on meth for sure.
I sometimes train with a lady whose sister used to date him. She said the same thing.
02-18-2010, 02:56 PM
Neither of them show any obvious signs of Meth abuse. There WAS quite a bit of talk after their deaths that both had a serious Oxycontin habit which ultimately led to respiratory arrest. I work with all sorts of drugs addicts on a daily basis and based on his speech and a few other things...I'd say he was under the influence of some sort of opiate derivative at the time of this filming. Ultimately though, without a toxicology screen from the coroner, all we are doing is speculating. Either way, it's a sad way for a man of his stature to go.
02-18-2010, 04:40 PM
02-18-2010, 04:59 PM
always going to be hard for the guy to convince ppl when he dies a few hrs later, doesnt help that he rambles on all teh time. I think teh guy has some merrit with training, but not a good rep of the sport
02-18-2010, 05:23 PM
In this interview Dave & John talks with Michael Zumpano and Zumpano suspects Mike, Ray and Curtis Leffler all died as a result of experimenting with DNP.
With all due respect to Zumpano (one of my favorite insider experts of all-time), I just don't see Mike and Ray as being serious enough in there weightloss to jump past "stop eating ice cream and do thrity-minutes of cardio every day" straight to trying DNP. Doesn't make sense to me.
And if it killed Mike, I suspect Ray would have stopped. Its not like DNP is an addictive substance.
02-18-2010, 05:25 PM
I never knew or spoke to Mike but I`ve heard everything from he was a complete wacko to some people have said he was one of the most honorable people they have ever met.It would be interesting to know what he was really like.
BOTH! Depending on your personal definition of wacko and at what time period you caught him.
Curt James
02-18-2010, 06:18 PM
joelster, Mentzer never made it to his 60's. :(
sqd5driver, I wonder if any toxicology tests were done.
Mentzer's mother died at a relatively young age, too. My aunt worked as a nurse at the Ephrata Community Hospital when his mom passed.
I believe heart failure claimed her life as well, so heredity, I assume, played a part in the death of the Mentzer Bros.
Steve_Colescott, "due respect to Zumpano," but how much for the Mentzers?
I just don't see Mike and Ray as being serious enough in there weightloss to jump past "stop eating ice cream and do thrity-minutes of cardio every day" straight to trying DNP.
Mike was sandbagging it during his competitive career? He was tentative in his use of drugs?
Like Palumbo, I thought Mentzer was pre-med. I suspect he covered the full array of bodybuilding pharmacology.
Doesn't make sense to me.
Walter Gretzky didn't make sense to you.
And if it killed Mike, I suspect Ray would have stopped.
Ray died, what, a day later? I doubt he was considering the impact of whatever drugs he might have been taking immediately following Mike's death.
And DNP or not, the death of his brother was probably shock enough to his already weakened system to finish the man.
02-18-2010, 06:36 PM
Ray mentzer says in video 3 that he got up at 5am to do his dialysis.Was Mike on dialysis also?They both look fucked up health wise.
Curt James
02-18-2010, 07:19 PM
^Mike wasn't on dialysis.
On June 10, 2001, at approximately 9:00 AM, Mike Mentzer's heart stopped beating while he was asleep. Earlier this year, a blood clot broke loose from his leg and went to his lung. During this hospitalization, tests revealed that Mike had suffered two silent heart attacks that he never even knew he experienced. Mike had spent the last 2 or 3 months very involved in his writings, consultations, consummating various new business agreements and was very enthused and excited. To quote Mike, "I can't believe how all these great things are coming together for me." Mike was 49 years old - born November 15, 1951.
To compound the loss of Mike, on June 11th, at approximately 9:00 PM, Ray died in his sleep. Ray suffered from kidney failure caused by Berger's Disease. In 1999, Ray started kidney dialysis 4 times each week, and extensive testing was performed on him to determine if he could handle a kidney transplant. During the testing, it was found that Ray had a genetic blood clotting disorder which compounded the kidney disease. Approximately 2 months ago, Ray was told there may be a kidney for him sometime this summer. This pleased Ray, because the dialysis was taking a toll on his body, due to blood clots. A week before his death, he was rushed to the emergency room during dialysis due to an excessively high pulse rate. At times, the dialysis center would take him to emergency due to a high blood pressure rate. On several occasions, there were hospital emergencies, because the dialysis treatment could not be completed due to improper output of dialysis, caused by blood clots. Very few people knew of his suffering, mainly because Ray was not a complainer and was so full of courage, strength, and the will to live. He had been in a state of shock since finding his brother dead, and there were visible signs that it was taking a physical strain on his body. Ray was 47 years old - born August 2, 1953.
There was a history of heart disease in the Mentzer family.
They have only one surviving sibling - a sister, Marieann from Ephrata, Pennsylvania.
02-18-2010, 07:30 PM
Far right, is that Ray?
Yes that is.
Curt James
02-18-2010, 07:47 PM
^Thanks. :) Almost didn't recognize him. I met him at the Ephrata Rec Center a million years ago. He was in his prime.
Drew an illustration of him in black felt tip pen. Made copies, gave him the copies to autograph for fans, and asked him to sign the original.
It might have been '79. I don't believe I had graduated from high school yet and he signed the drawing "Mr. USA," a contest he won in 1978.
02-18-2010, 08:10 PM
Yes that is.
Wow, he looks worse than Mike there.
02-18-2010, 08:13 PM
Mike didn't take the best care of himself. He smoked too much, Imo, although I didn't see him drink a lot. At a News Party he threw- I think it was 97, he was too sick with the flu to party it up. I was the one sbusing substances that night. Well you would to if you got sucked into a conversation pit with Bill Dobbins for over an hour and a half, lol. His diet wasn't bad the few times we hung out- a turkey sub, no chips for lunch, Chinese for dinner. That kind of thing. I never saw him high, he was always (very) coherant, shockingly so. There was one phone call I thin the night Dorian won the 94 Olympia that got really strange... but that was really the only time. Others, I heard Mike excited, joyful, intellectual, depressed, but never a whack job. One night out of 10 years doesn't make you a nut in my book. Anyway, he was dogmatic, but also consistant, willing to explore and damn funny at times. When he died, I was simply in shock. I relied on our periodic meetings or talks as fuel- philosphical, motivational or occasionally to vent. He was a good friend to those close to him. RIP Mike.
Ryan Wacht
11-25-2010, 03:10 AM
The meth use definitely caught up to Mike later on. It is such a nasty drug and horribly stressful on the heart and cardiovascular system in general. That combined with the chain smoking and genetic predisposition for heart disease did it in for him sadly.
11-25-2010, 04:29 AM
A. Sad, B. How tall was Mike? I am 5' 5" and he looks shorter than me?
Curt James
11-25-2010, 06:04 AM
How tall was Mike?
Many sites list Mentzer at 5'8" and 225 lbs.
Tons of pics at that page, btw.
11-25-2010, 08:46 AM
And there you have it...
If I knew that something like that ran in my family, no way in hell I'd look at a steroid period!
11-25-2010, 02:07 PM
Many sites list Mentzer at 5'8" and 225 lbs.
Tons of pics at that page, btw.
Amazing thumbnail collage Curt.
11-25-2010, 08:22 PM
I thought he admitted to using amphetamines. I remember reading that he said that he take them and read all the time.
11-25-2010, 10:19 PM
This is so depressing. I met Mike once when he was up and coming, I was just a kid. He really does look 90 years old as someone posted earlier in this thread. For a guy that probably should have beat Arnold for the Olympia it's a shame he ended up this way. The photo of his brother blew me away. I know everyone knew Mike as the Champion but Ray was the one that many said was freaky strong. Some of Rays lifts at Golds were legendary and are still talked about to this day.
11-25-2010, 10:23 PM
Mike...the king of the 80s even if he got little respect.
He was ready to knock ARNOLD the fuck out at the 80' olympia :yep:
11-26-2010, 12:17 AM
I heard he was a douche ( RIP no disrespect just what I heard)
Apparently he was into political philosophy ( Ayn Rand) which was an extremely selfish and self interested ideology. Basically persue yor own self interest to its maximum and phuck everyone else. A male expresses this set of "ideals" tends to be denser then concrete and RUDE.
Also heard after the 1980 Oly he started useing coke/speed and towards the end stay in his VW bug while high , then go into the gym and cause issues.
I know a guy Names Andrew Chabinz that worked there and saw it first hand ( hes a franchise gym owner and ex Mr California Competitor.
11-26-2010, 12:22 AM
I heard he was a douche ( RIP no disrespect just what I heard)
Apparently he was into political philosophy ( Ayn Rand) which was an extremely selfish and self interested ideology. Basically persue yor own self interest to its maximum and phuck everyone else. A male expresses this set of "ideals" tends to be denser then concrete and RUDE.
Also heard after the 1980 Oly he started useing coke/speed and towards the end stay in his VW bug while high , then go into the gym and cause issues.
I know a guy Names Andrew Chabinz that worked there and saw it first hand ( hes a franchise gym owner and ex Mr California Competitor.
Read Atlas Shrugged.
Ryan Wacht
11-26-2010, 01:07 AM
I remember reading an interview with Mentzer back in the 90's done by Ironman. In it, I believe he stated that for the 1981 Mr. Olympia he alternated weekly shots of Test and Durbolin, 2ccs per shot. And also took 50mg of d-bol daily, that's it.
11-26-2010, 04:36 AM
This is so depressing. I met Mike once when he was up and coming, I was just a kid. He really does look 90 years old as someone posted earlier in this thread. For a guy that probably should have beat Arnold for the Olympia it's a shame he ended up this way. The photo of his brother blew me away. I know everyone knew Mike as the Champion but Ray was the one that many said was freaky strong. Some of Rays lifts at Golds were legendary and are still talked about to this day.
I think he looked good that show from the photos, and I've heard of the controversy at the O between him and Arnold, but didn't he place like 5th? Shouldn't he have been equally as pissed at Chris Dickerson, Zane, and whoever else placed ahead of him?
11-26-2010, 04:45 AM
I think he looked good that show from the photos, and I've heard of the controversy at the O between him and Arnold, but didn't he place like 5th? Shouldn't he have been equally as pissed at Chris Dickerson, Zane, and whoever else placed ahead of him?
Boyer Coe got 4th.
11-26-2010, 09:27 AM
Read Atlas Shrugged.
Took me three tries to get through that book and only after skipping many pages of her constant sermonizing ( got her message in the beginning )was I able to finish it--the ending was stupid
Ryan Wacht
11-26-2010, 08:50 PM
I heard he was a douche ( RIP no disrespect just what I heard)
Apparently he was into political philosophy ( Ayn Rand) which was an extremely selfish and self interested ideology. Basically persue yor own self interest to its maximum and phuck everyone else. A male expresses this set of "ideals" tends to be denser then concrete and RUDE.
Also heard after the 1980 Oly he started useing coke/speed and towards the end stay in his VW bug while high , then go into the gym and cause issues.
I know a guy Names Andrew Chabinz that worked there and saw it first hand ( hes a franchise gym owner and ex Mr California Competitor.
I wouldn't exactly call her masterbation material either:
11-26-2010, 10:30 PM
until your on the Olympia stage... give the man some respect... huh?
he walked the walk.... I see some of the big guys around the gyms juiced up... lifting heavy with very little intensity....
11-26-2010, 11:56 PM
I wouldn't exactly call her masterbation material either:
Ryan Wacht
11-27-2010, 09:24 AM
until your on the Olympia stage... give the man some respect... huh?
he walked the walk.... I see some of the big guys around the gyms juiced up... lifting heavy with very little intensity....
I don't see anybody disrespecting him in this thread. People are just telling it like it is. Mentzer was an awesome bodybuilder in his prime, and then he let himself go and abused illicit drugs such as methamphetamine. Truth be told, his philosophical rants were fucking annoying and he came off as quite arrogant at times. And the obsession with Ayn Rand was in a league of its own, ever heard of GILF?
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