View Full Version : Smoker's Anonymous ~ RX Muscle Exclusive

03-13-2009, 12:50 AM
It is probably easier for people to admit they do drugs than smoke cigarettes in this lifestyle. Why? Maybe because as bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts we can understand that drugs are just another aspect of our sport.

But how many times have you been to the gym and seen someone smoking in their car, smoking on the phone, or even better, light up as they pull up and try to suck the hell out of that cig before they get to the door?

OK. So its just another bad habit and people like us seem to have many of those. But what gets me the most is people who light up AFTER they workout. I will suffocate on my own sweat after a hard workout..I cannot imagine how people can smoke after they train.

I would like some honest contributions to this thread. We are not here to judge, only to help. So if you smoke, use to smoke, smoke on occasion, smoke after sex, smoke to curb your appetite...smoke for the hell of it..then let's hear it.

And let us hear of your plans, if you have any, to quit.

I, for one, was a chain smoker. My brand of choice was Marlboro red soft pack. Man that shit tasted good on any occasion. I was smoking 4 packs a day through college. It never bothered me to train and smoke, I could smoke before, after or during a workout. lol just kidding.

I started smoking at a very young age..like everything else I've done in my life. Both my parents were heavy smokers and so was the nanny.

How did I quit. I decided I was done with it and it was hurting my performance (no shit right). I put it down and have not smoked since. Its been ten years for me. Wish kicking all my habits were that easy...



03-13-2009, 01:24 PM
That's quite a feat for you to quit cold turkey just like that. How long did it take after you quit before you could really tell the difference in your lung capacity?

03-13-2009, 01:26 PM
That's quite a feat for you to quit cold turkey just like that. How long did it take after you quit before you could really tell the difference in your lung capacity?

Funny enough, not only did I notice an improvement in my lung capacity, but my strength improved as well. Give or take 6 months.

03-23-2009, 05:37 PM
I quit 9 years ago. Tried the patch, didn't work. Tried the gum,
it did work. Just keep trying until you are able to quit.

03-23-2009, 10:15 PM
Government is starting to tax the hell out of tobacco, here in Michigan, name brands are up to $6.50 a pack.

03-27-2009, 10:03 PM
I smoke, a couple packs a day. I plan on quitting soon, but we'll see. I've never really tried though. I have a very, very addictive personality. I mean, alcohol, drugs, sex, cigarettes. With me it's all or nothing. Having a wife that smokes doesn't help either. I think the worst part, for me, is craving a cigarette when I'm training. I'll either cut the session short or say fuck it and stop training for a smoke break (don't worry, I train alone lol).

04-05-2009, 01:45 PM
I am guilty of smoking after I workout. When I quit that is the cigarette craving that is the hardest. When I wake up no big deal, after sex, (I am married so that cigarette is rare) and long car trips are nothing for me. It is that one after I workout that always leads me back to smoking. So when I try this next week to quit again that is the one I am going to focus on and when I beat that I should be home free. I could be using steroids for the amount of money I spend on smokes and it would probaby be healthier. Wish me luck.

04-05-2009, 02:19 PM
I smoked but only for 3 years, then i went on a cycle and had to stop so that my blood pressure wouldnt go off the charts. I think cold turkey is the way to go, cig free for 2 months 1 week and counting.

04-05-2009, 02:22 PM
I smoked for around 10 years. Every once in awhile if I'm around someone who is smoking I'll have one. Feels damn good too. I can only bum them off people because if I bought a pack I would get hooked all over again.

Smoking cigs really relaxed me but I couldn't stand the smell of them.

04-07-2009, 01:55 AM
Chantix is one of those FDA approved drugs which can be used to get over smoking habit. It works on body by giving you the same feel good effect like smoking and hence reduces the craving for nicotine. This medicine should only be used in accordance with the instructions of a physician as there are various side effects which may vary from person to person and it includes change of taste, sleeplessness and many more. I have smoked for more than 10 yrs, but now I am spending a smoke free life from last 2 months. Thanks to chantix (http://www.chantixhome.com/). Along with having this medicine, you should also have will power and feeling that you want to get over this habit.

04-12-2009, 01:00 AM
I've heard of people using DL-phenylalanine and 5-HTP to help them quit because it helps supply the body with feel good chemicals that may be depleted from smoking when you try to quit. Has anyone heard of this or had any experience?

04-15-2009, 08:36 AM
I started smoking when I was 15, I am now 32. At my highest I smoked 3 packs a day, from 1997ish to 2005. I quit smoking in 2005.I went from 3 packs a day to nothing, cold turkey. I had gotten tired of smoking, weird how that happened. Then in April of 2007 I picked one up, because I was stressed out from my grandfather taking ill. Oh it was good to be back, as I had missed that feeling for so long. It helped me through the tough time of watching my hero slowly wasted away from Alzheimer's. I continued to smoke up to 4 1/2 weeks ago. Again I was tired of it. I promised a friend we could quit together on May first, but I wasn't ready. I just decided one day enough was enough, and quit. I stayed away from everyone I knew that smoked for a week, and that helped. Also knowing I am morbidly obease helped as well. Now I am working on that part of my life. I just wish it was as easy as choosing to quit smoking.

Good luck to everyone trying to kick the habit!!

08-28-2009, 10:17 PM
I quit 10 weeks ago with the patch plus applying a few priciples taught to me this year. last week I was surrounded by smokers my whole trip home(bad idea #1) and had put down the patches too soon(BAD IDEA #2) because I was till in withdrawal, not mentally, but physically, and did not have a back up plan in these scenarios as I was out of my element(bad idea #3). So then a 40 year old bomb was dropped on my lap on wednesday out of left field. With all those bad ideas in typical addictive behaviour I had just 1 smoke. Well long story short is I have more patches and willbe back at it in the morning. I am not smoking much right now, but its slowly iching back up( I was 2 packs a day plus 10 weeks ago)

I am already on a medication plan until September for a lung disease I was exposed to a little over a year ago, fortunatley I will be ok but I can't afford to injest any substances that could compromise me in the future,and I havent even touched on smokings side effects to the lungs here

wish me luck, and I now know that like booze one smoke is not a good idea.

Ps during the weeks before i picked up a smoke my energy levels and lung capacity improved 10 fold which is a good reinforcement to why i will be off saturday when i wake up


09-14-2009, 03:21 PM
I had been chewing pretty heavily with Copenhagen....every waking minute without food in my mouth I had in a dip. But then I decided I wanted to stop and I just did. I was surprised I didn't crave it or did I have any difficulty. I was surprised given the quantity of nicotine I had been getting.

09-15-2009, 11:57 AM
INMHO, Tobacco is the most addictive substance on the planet.

09-15-2009, 12:22 PM
still smoke every now and then. 1 or maybe 2 ciggarettes a day, 3 days a week. more frequently on the weekend if im out at a bar or something. my friends all smoke so im constantly exposed to it regardless. its such a dirty habit

10-07-2009, 08:15 PM
I've been quit for four weeks. I smoked for around twelve years, quit for a month or so earlier this year then started back due for some reason. Chantix has really helped, that and I changed my whole daily "routine". I used to leave for work, stop at the store, get a newspaper, pack of ciggaretes and a cup of coffee. I found it easier to break the HABIT of smoking than the ROUTINE of smoking if that makes any sense. The only complaints I have with the Chantix is that it gives you freaky dreams

01-31-2010, 01:24 PM
is it okay to smoke a few evry once ina while , i just had a few couple of days ago for my 19th bday after 2 yrz ..

03-23-2010, 11:45 PM
Im new to posting here but i wanted to throw in my 2 cents here....I smoke a bit less than a pack a day for the last 5 years .last summer I quit after reading allen carr's book yet I didnt feel much different even after 4 month of quitting ( I smoke two cigs on the way to the gym and two back). I didnt crave cigarettes either BUT I did gain 17 pounds in those 4 month and now almost a year after its hell for me to lose them I did restart smoking when I figured That if I keep gaining weight I will lose some self confidence and for that I started smoking again.
Good luck to all the quitters ;)

03-24-2010, 06:54 AM
is it okay to smoke a few evry once ina while , i just had a few couple of days ago for my 19th bday after 2 yrz ..
ya i do as well, have been off the cigs for a year already, i smoke only rarely with my friends but no more than 1. Cravings are :byeb::byeb:, and i have more money in my pocket.

03-24-2010, 07:09 AM
and i have more money in my pocket.

My wife smokes and I can't understand why people continue to do so when not not only are they destroying your health but they cost so freakin much.:dunno:

04-07-2010, 09:44 PM
My wife smokes and I can't understand why people continue to do so when not not only are they destroying your health but they cost so freakin much.:dunno:

i'm wit ya on that babe
my mom still smokes
and her dad died of complications due to smoking
the way he died and suffered for yrs i swore i wasn't gonna die like that
i quit in 2000 but smoked for over 20 yrs
i remember when smokes were under a dollar a pack
now here in Canada they're almost 10 bucks

10-29-2010, 02:04 PM
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11-07-2010, 11:55 AM
I keep bumming them off friends because many of my friends smoke unfortunately. Looking to stop, I also chew nicorette and snus, but usually only later in the day I'll have 1 or 2.

06-06-2011, 02:53 AM
i like your post you do good effort to make it more valuable.
thanks for sharing.:byeb:
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joe d
06-08-2011, 08:42 AM
about 5 years ago i woke up one day started some cardio began to hack and thought well thats the end of this shit. went to walmart bought 3 step patch kit and never smoked again. before that i had been smoking for about 12 years.