View Full Version : Freedom

03-19-2009, 01:57 AM
Freedom for the addict aint free.

Sometimes we pay a horrible price to be free. We earn our seats in the rooms of recovery with pain and suffering. We keep them only with vigilence and hard work.

Even though freedom in this country is a right, for us it is a priveledge. too many die or are in jails. They give their freedom away. They didnt give their freedom away for me and they didnt die so i could live. I did enough of that on my own, nobody has to die for me to live.

True freedom for the addict comes only when we break the bonds from that which enslaves us... not drugs and alcohol but self.

We hold ourselves prisoner. We use drugs and booze as re-enforcement to tie those bonds even tighter. in addiction we create our own prisons from which we see no escape.

Where is a key to the door though. its in the programs. Not meetings, there we get the information on what to do but it is only by working a 12 step program, with a sponser, that we start to unlock the door.

Without help we are prisoners until we die, even if we have stopped using. sometimes the hinges are a little rusty but by helping others we can grease the door and open it wide.

Self will holds that door closed and stops our growth. we wither, rot and die. sometimes we take others with us.

If i am all tied up in me then how can i be of service to others? how can i be a friend? how can i be a son? i cannot.

The key is there, grab it and hold on. unlock the door and walk into the sunshine. grab another who suffers and bring them into the fresh air with you.

There is no prison another man can put me in that is anywhere near as bad as the one i lock myself into.

Freedom starts inside, pray for it. Let god and recovery open the doors.

There is no prison another man can put me in that is anywhere near as bad as the one I lock myself into!