View Full Version : Phosphatidylcholine experiment/log

12-03-2010, 02:56 AM
Even though Phosphatidylcholine (PC) isn't an illegal or grey market chemical, I thought the nature of my experiment was fitting for this section as I'll be applying the substance in some innovative ways that should have very drug-like effects. Also, it isn't exactly a bodybuilding supplement per se and I've converted it into an injectable and transdermal forms.


link (http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:SNEUxiBdFzMJ:www.ruthieharper.com/nma/lipotherapy/Injection.pdf+phosphatidylcholine+injection+result s&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESiz719q97RMJ_-ZLE97GpYF5eGMPWFsa1I8XDDI19--hNsfhTTsIGInoAt2PFKFcy65qmQ_OGsLyq5cz5OpT3KccrJyVv 7FbhcrB2j4U0xBhF1jxYwGFcVvlpUY6F_tUESmvGqQ&sig=AHIEtbSuVfXdq7vzDXgUKvEqbWwehPcd2w)

link (http://www.springerlink.com/content/vh1l243nk122n137/)

I've posted a few links above to give some kind of background on how this stuff is used. There are also legitimate studies out there showing the effects of PC when injected into fatty tissue. Basically, it causes the fat cells themselves to become less stable, more liquidy (I know, not a real word) and they can no longer contain water and nutrients. Therefore they are no longer useful or functional and they atrophy.

Years ago I tried a mixture of DMSO and a 40% PC powder on one side of my torso. I applied it every night for a couple weeks and did see some subtle results. I took pics and posted them on a forum and got feedback that there was something to it.

When the topic came up again recently I decided to track down some better sources for more pure PC. I ended up obtaining a large amount of a liquid solution that contains 75% PC, 9% ethanol, and the remaining 15% is a mix of mct oil and other "leftover" substances. I dilluted the solution with oil in a 2 to 1 ratio for a thinner liquid and injected it according to standard lipostabil procedure. (see my blog (http://www.chemicalwarrior.com)) I know it may be best to use a water based mixture and I will experiment with that as well.

I'm not exactly lean at the moment, so this is as good a time as any to try this kind of experiment. I was going to just go slowly and try the oil mixture, then water, then transdermal (also received a 90% solid form of PC that can be ground up and mixed with dmso for a topical solution). But, now that I think of it I may just go all out and do a mix of transdermal and injections and see just how quickly this all can have an effect. The results gauged will be subjective, but I will take pictures. I have to admit, my physique isn't pretty right now- been too busy and I'm a little off my best at this point. Pics coming. I'll try to update here and at my blog.

12-04-2010, 12:34 PM
A few days after the initial shots I have the same type of small "knots" at the injection sites, though they are very tiny. I didn't have much swelling. I'm still wondering if it'd be better to go with a water-based set up with this. I'll do one more round of shots with the oil and then try a water-based the week after.

I'll be starting DMSO/powder PC next week on my love handles. Since it's a different area it should at least give some comparison.

12-04-2010, 08:37 PM
A few days after the initial shots I have the same type of small "knots" at the injection sites, though they are very tiny. I didn't have much swelling. I'm still wondering if it'd be better to go with a water-based set up with this. I'll do one more round of shots with the oil and then try a water-based the week after.

I'll be starting DMSO/powder PC next week on my love handles. Since it's a different area it should at least give some comparison.h2o my friend....

12-05-2010, 03:31 AM
h2o my friend....

I know the actual lipostabil is water, you think it'll make a big difference? I mean, I could see how it would potentially: much slower dispersion, possibly rendered innactive- ie. pc stuck in the oil not melting my fat! Just wanted to put the oil based stuff I had to some use. :) That's how they sent it to me. But, I'm gonna try and mix it with bw and see what happens.

12-07-2010, 03:16 PM
I gave it another round of shots last night. Fuck this shit is painful. Didn't notice it so much the first time, but I got through 5 shots (1mL total) and said fuck it. I'm gonna try the transdermal route for awhile and then maybe give the water based a try. I think I can turn this shit into a water based inject. We'll see. lol. A little more info on my blog about it.