View Full Version : What have you overcome to compete?

05-23-2012, 12:32 AM
What trials got in your way of competing? Check out what the First MP Pro had to overcome.....



05-24-2012, 10:55 AM
I was blown through a door during a fire fight in Afghanistan. Now I am fused from L4-S1. Military forced me to retire and docs said I can't run anymore and not to lift over 35 pounds. I only follow some of that advice. I definitely don't run anymore except maybe the occasional sprint and deadlifting is out of the question. Aside from that I'm competing in my second physique show on June 9th. I'm currently down to 5.8% and slowly pulling out the last pound or so of fat before peak week. I'm really hoping to do well because if so I'm turning right around and going to compete in NJ a month later at the Team Universe show.