View Full Version : Question on FST-7 options

Sliced N Diced
04-28-2009, 08:07 PM
I want to do FST-7 for my chest here or there. Here is my current chest plan...My goal is to make my upper chest pop to reveal a complete chest.

Monday:Chest and Bis

Incline DB press-4sets 8-10 Reps
Incline DB flye-3sets 8-10Reps
Flat DB press or HS flat press-4sets8-10Reps
Pec Deck or Cable Crossover-3sets10-12 Reps
Set of decline widowmaker flyes

Now should I do cable crossovers for FST-7 for upper chest? or would this be overtraining? Thoughts?Concerns?

Now for Deltoids here is my routine.

DB laterals:4x8-10
Behind Neck Smith Press5x8-10
Cable Side Laterals:3x10-12
Upright Row:3x10-12
BB front Raise: 3x10

If I was to do machine side laterals would this be sufficant for FST-7 every other week though? Thanks to whoever answers my questions!

04-28-2009, 08:54 PM
Just my opiniom.............Fst-7 is crapp and boring.

Sliced N Diced
04-28-2009, 09:00 PM
Ive used it multiple times and it gives an incredible pump.....

05-02-2009, 01:20 PM
Devil's advocate. so do a 1000 calf raise with body weight off the edge of a stair. are you growing from that?

I like fst and I'm on your side. but a pump doesn't necessarily mean anyting,.

05-02-2009, 07:06 PM
Ive used it multiple times and it gives an incredible pump.....

Are you growing or making any kind of strength gains from it?

If not then the pump doesn't mean shit.

05-03-2009, 11:51 AM
Are you growing or making any kind of strength gains from it?

If not then the pump doesn't mean shit.

my point exactly . spoken like a true dc disciple.

Sliced N Diced
05-04-2009, 08:19 PM
True true, I aint doing it then...Just going to switch up my routine weekly or so and work from that. I trained a HIT/DC mix but I am young so I want to build my base first.

Ryan Bracewell
05-05-2009, 08:06 PM
FST sounds like something for people that are advanced lifters(already have large amount of muscle).

If you are looking to get bigger, then look no further than your basic lifts. All of the greats(Dorian, Ronnie, Haney, Arnold, etc) have all done Barbell squats, BB bench press, BB deadlifts, and BB military press. They might have strayed later in their career as injuries were incurred or to work a specific deficiency, but for overall mass there are not better exercises than those 4.

As for hitting the upper chest, I would recommend that you consistently do incline presses with your chest, and barbell military press in front of your face on shoulder day.

05-05-2009, 10:21 PM
fst-7 is really nothing to be excited over. its basically re-inventing the wheel.

05-09-2009, 12:26 PM
The only thing I saw from doing FST-7 for a month was more muscle refinement, but didn't gain much size out of it. The bulk of the work to get size will have already been done before it anyhow. Fascial stretching has its points, but I haven't worked on many people that truly had dense enough fascia to be significantly limiting muscle growth given their size. If it works for you though, more power to ya. Just my two cents though that I seemed to have better luck with a machine isolation movement to finish off with instead of a free weight. Plus takes less time to adjust the weight when needed given the short rest times.