View Full Version : Advertising Spin

Gaoshang Xiongshou
02-13-2009, 01:10 PM
I am all for creative advertising... not so much for false claims though... looking at some of the ads though, of course you know a lot of stuff is being thrown around for the consumer to eat up.

And who do I cite as the greatest offender of this type of thing? You already know who...

My intent is not to bash any company, although I already know that this is going to happen. My question is this...

If you claim that your product can greatly increase your fat loss by 728.419% squared, or whatever... who comes up with these figures?! At least give us something we can halfway believe. And this one not-so-disguised jab at a company, they are not the only ones who make these ridiculous statements, but they are the best in the business :D I will give them that!

02-13-2009, 01:11 PM
Hey, some of these companies cite research for that stuff:D

Gaoshang Xiongshou
02-13-2009, 01:13 PM
I would love to see it. It may go over my head though, with all talk of nanocryostasis and such. I just want a little understanding :)

They support their athletes though, and I definitely like that about them.

02-13-2009, 01:17 PM
although the percentages may be correct, you have to look at what they are percentages of.

"Users experienced muscle gains of up to 700% compared to placebo group!"

What if the placebo group gained 0.0000001 lbs of muscle? That means the user group experienced .0000007 lbs of muscle. Still 700%. So yes, while they are trying to mislead you with the larger and more impressive figure, it's not always the case that they are lying when they make statements like that.

02-13-2009, 01:21 PM
Honestly, I never had a problem with the false claims, probably because I expect as much out of these companies. I think it's the consumer's responsibility to educate themselves, while the companies (like it or not) have only a responsibility to the shareholders or the executives to meet their bottom line. Really, it comes down to this: who is more at fault, the bullshitter, or the guy who buys the bullshit? I say the latter.

02-13-2009, 01:21 PM
At this point, I just laugh at all the retardation coming out of the pages of MuscleTech ads.

02-13-2009, 01:22 PM
This is true, people have to realize that firms first and foremost have a profit-maximizing motive. Social responsibility is a secondary priority if even that.

02-13-2009, 03:24 PM
You know that if that company ever went belly up and disappeared that every bodybuilding magazine would be hit BAD. At advertising prices where they are they usually they have easily 20-30 pages of ads in every magazine. And thats not to include ALL of the iovate family. With their ads alone they can trump a smaller magazine in size page for page.

Just the sheer size of their marketing campaign is impressive...............even if most of the ads are FOS!!!

02-13-2009, 03:57 PM
can't stand the 6 page ads...I don't even read the claims cause we know its all made up bullshit....Just do a one page ad with a hot chick holding your product and be done with it........