View Full Version : Poll: Naturals, how many times per week do you train each bodypart?

05-07-2009, 02:15 PM
Briefly describe your philosophy on training frequency...... not your sets, reps, and training schedule, but how often you train each bodypart per week and why you believe it works best for you.

For example, some natties train each bodypart once per week because they believe they need more recovery time, and others believe more frequent training increases natural testosterone levels....etc.

I personally train each bodypart intensely every other day, working out seven days a week. That seems to be the only way I've ever been able to grow, and maintain muscle mass.

I've tried every other method in the 38 years I've been working out. People always tell me I'm going to overtrain, but for me, this has never failed.

How do you approach training frequency???

05-07-2009, 03:01 PM
I think it all comes down to the quality of the exercise, not the quantity. As long as you're eating, sleeping and training hard it would be hard not to gain. Either having a week or just a few days, if its being done right there will be success.

You mentioned everything once every other day. So are you on a fullbody or 2 day uppper/lower body? Just wondering, because it would seem that you are working out alot, but not over doing it with sets...unless you're in the gym 5 hours each time getting 14-15 sets a bodypart.

05-07-2009, 06:01 PM
My body seems to respond better when I get 4 days rest between body part workouts.
Wed:back & bis
Thurs:shoulders & tris
Sat:start over

05-07-2009, 10:01 PM
I've trained several different ways.... I've always liked hitting each bodypart once per week, but I've also had succes with a split like this (every 3rd week a bodypart gets hit twice that week)

mon: back/bi's
tues: chest/sh/tri's
thurs: legs
fri: repeat
sat & sun: OFF

Either way, I feel for me that recovery is an important factor... Hitting each bodypart 1X per week allows me to train with maximal intensity and focus in every session

*So if I could pick an option for voting, it would be "1-2 times per week"... not sure if you could add that

05-07-2009, 11:55 PM
Once a week, HIT...

05-08-2009, 12:04 AM
once and twice a week, depending on my Kcals and current protocol.

05-18-2009, 02:14 AM
I set up my training in 2 month blocks. During that 2 month period, I have on bodypart that will be focused on.
For example;
Day 1- calves, hamstrings, quads, back (rows)
Day 2- chest, shoulders, triceps, back (pulldowns and chins)

06-05-2009, 09:16 AM
Once/week generally.
I think a muscle group can be hit 2ce/week for certain periods of time, but I think as a natty that would cut into recovery if it went on too long.

I lay no claim to knowing it all by any means, but my first thought when I read you train every msl group every other day, lifting 7 days a week, regardless of age, was one word - "overtraining."

Clark Kent
06-05-2009, 09:25 AM
Every sixth day I hit the same bodypart except for calves, which are twice per every six days. Damn calves never seem to get sore no matter what I throw at them.

06-05-2009, 12:31 PM
I train each body part once a week, 5 on 2 off, i like to go all out each session so this gives me adequate recovery time, most of the time.
I have thought about backing off on the intensity/volume and trying twice a week for a short time to see how my body reacts, might try it in the future.

06-19-2009, 06:39 PM
i'll do bi's or chest twice a week if theres an empty day, but not both.

06-19-2009, 06:53 PM
For mass I personally like doing each body part once per week, but for cutting up I respond better to twice per week but less total sets per workout. I think ultimately it comes down to a person's body type whether they should train once a week or more. And if you are hitting each body part more than once per week it's always good to consume more food and get extra rest to help prevent overtraining.