View Full Version : Choices we Make, Consequences we Live with

05-23-2009, 02:08 AM
We've had endless discussion on drugs and their side effects. We've talked about drugs of choice, proper dosing and stacking preferences.

We've discussed post cycle therapy, how to combat post comp depression, and how to control estrogen rebounds.

Yet, we seem to always avoid the most important discussion of all....
The irreversible side effects we live with on a daily basis, and how our choice to use has affected our lives.

It is not easy for us as women to admit to certain things. We certainly don't want to incriminate ourselves by going around telling the world that some of us put a razor to our faces, sometimes twice a day...but anyone with any respect and understanding of female bodybuilders and the sacrifices they make for the love of their sport, will not judge or criticize. It is what it is folks. A hefty price comes with the beautifully sculpted physiques these women bring to the stage for the rest of the world to admire. Yet the burdens of certain physiological changes we have undergone, we carry in secret.

I commend any woman with the courage to be honest with the rest of her sisters on these sensitive matters. I think sharing our experiences and how we cope with certain things can help us all learn from each other and hopefully improve the quality of our lives.

I will go first to set some comfortable grounds for everyone else. I truly look forward to everyone's contributions. Men who choose to post in this thread are welcome to express their opinions especially if they have a significant other in a similar situation. If you gentleman ave nothing useful to add to this thread, then please refrain from commenting at all. I am trying to establish a comfortable atmosphere for the women to share their experiences on these matters. It takes one lousy comment to deter the majority of the women from even considering posting in this thread. So, please, I kindly request that you respect this thread and the ladies who choose to post in it.

Anonymous comments are welcome as usual. Just PM me or another mod and we will post your responses for you.

Thank you.


05-23-2009, 03:28 AM
Ok so here goes:

I will start with my voice. I am a professional classical pianist and have written my own music since I was 9 to which I could sing very beautifully. I was a mezzo and sang in a choir my entire life. Well, I cannot hit any high notes at all anymore. I can hardly sing along to any songs at all. On a more positive "note", lol, I still sound 100% like a woman and my voice, though always sultry has an added raspiness to it that I think is very sexy. My voice change in the least of my worries.

I am Middle Eastern, as you all well know. I have had thick hair since I was a child. I had peach fuzz in places women typically do not have hair, like the neck, aureole, a few on the chin and the chest. I've had the hair lasered off. So I am soft again all over.

I did develop an acne problem for a little while that I had a specialist take care of with some good skin treatment that included antibiotics, RetinA, Peroxide washes, night creams, SPF etc..never needed Accutane. The acne was so bad it left craters and scarring on my face that not even a ton of foundation could cover. I had skin laser treatment for that and my face is good as new.

Vaginal dryness. Don't get as wet as I used to depsite being twice as aroused.

Skin texutre has changed. It is tighter and grainier all over. Feels more like leather when I am dieted down.

All I can think of for right now..

05-23-2009, 06:17 AM
my feet nose and hands got bigger. i am up a ring and a shoe size. and always had a big nose, now its humumgo!

my voice dropped and its awful when i yell or try to sing. not that i was a good singer in the 1st place.

05-23-2009, 09:08 AM
Let's see, where do we begin. LOL! First my voice dropped. THen my little guy in the boat got HUGE! Feet grew a size and a half. Man hair on my hammies and and a few on my upper lip and chin that I pluck.

05-23-2009, 11:07 AM
by private PM

Sister Steel,

I am interested in the lazer hair removal for my face. I am dark haired and seriously have to shave everyday. I swear if I let it go I would have a full beard. Can you share the process, and the cost? Thanks so much.

05-23-2009, 10:41 PM
I am Middle Eastern, as you all well know.

Guess I'm the only new person. :)

Vaginal dryness. Don't get as wet as I used to despite being twice as aroused.

Now that is definitely a new one on me. Do you know which drug(s) caused it?

05-23-2009, 10:46 PM
by private PM

Sister Steel,

I am interested in the lazer hair removal for my face. I am dark haired and seriously have to shave everyday. I swear if I let it go I would have a full beard. Can you share the process, and the cost? Thanks so much.

Varies by geographical market I believe. In our major metropolitan area $500 bought a one hour session, and didn't remove very many hairs. If the density is pretty high on your face I'd suspect you'd need about 3 sessions. It is permanent though, so once it's done, it's done.

05-23-2009, 11:12 PM
by private PM

Sister Steel,

I am interested in the lazer hair removal for my face. I am dark haired and seriously have to shave everyday. I swear if I let it go I would have a full beard. Can you share the process, and the cost? Thanks so much.

Laser is actually a far better option than waxing or electrolysis. Its not very time consuming either which made it easy to get in and out of sessions when I had other commitments during the day. The best part is you do not need to grow out the hair for effective treatment like other methods. Treatment requires multiple visits, usually once a month or every other month, and you will generally notice a significant difference early into the treatment.
In no time you will no longer see the dark hairs beneath the skin's surface and will not need to worry about five o' clock shadows even before the end of treatment. You will typically need anywhere between 4 and 7 sessions to achieve a good 80 percent permanent hair reduction. In between sessions some of the hair will regrow because some hairs have been dormant during previous treatment. That is why multiple sesions are necessary. You can shave between sessions too.

Now as for the cost, well, it can get pricey so I would advise you to shop around first. I purchased an 8 session package deal for each problematic bodypart which made it much more affordable. Its been a few years but here is a rough estimate of what it cost me at the time:

Abdomen $1,200
Breasts $600
Chest $1,000
Chin $650
Face $1,050 and believe it or not, chin and neck are separate.
Neck $950

Remember that I have been waxing my neck and chest since I was a teenager and was genetically predisposed to developing problems in those areas.

I am silky smooth now and will go back every 6 months or so for maintenance. Very worth it.

Let me know if you have anymore questions!


05-23-2009, 11:17 PM
Guess I'm the only new person. :)

Now that is definitely a new one on me. Do you know which drug(s) caused it?

The decrease in free flowing estrogen can cause vaginal dryness.

05-24-2009, 03:33 PM
Until someone has something to add to what we have discussed thus far, I will proceed to address a very sensitive topic that I have always wanted to bring to everyone's attention, and that is..

Smelly Vaginal discharge while on cycle.

AAS can cause a foul smelling vaginal odor that results from an imbalanced pH. I have always been able to gauge the potency of the drugs I am on by how I smell down South. However, I do not bump into this issue unless I have multiple androgens stacked on one cycle. I might run the same cycle multiple times and respond to it differently every time for a variety of reasons, so I will use my bodily responses to adjust my dosages accordingly.

I am very big on hygiene and I think its important for all of us as women NEVER to allow ourselves to walk around smelling like a skunk crawled up our vaginas and died. No cycle is worth smelling like you have not bathed or douched in a year. Believe me ladies, you subject your man (or woman) to that stench and that trauma is enough to make him NEVER go down there again.

As much as some of you might think that it goes without say that women should not marinate in foul-smelling rot, you would be surprised how many competitive female bodybuilders literally REEK come show time. Not all the glamour, hair, makeup, bling, perfect tan or stupendous splendor of that shredded physique is going to mask that.

That is just wrong. I will take the square jaw, receding hairline, protruding forehead any day over a foul smelling pussy.
When on cycle, ALWAYS use UNSCENTED pantyliners. They will keep any excess discharge from seeping through your underwear and possibly ruining your clothing. You may think that choosing a scented variety will be more helpful but that actually can make the smell even more potent. With the unscented variety the pad will simply absorb the odor without releasing an unnatural scent. If I were to bump into an odor issue, I will carry around vaginal wipes in my purse and use them for all bathroom. I will also make a point of changing my pantyliner ever few hours or everytime I need to use the restroom. Keeps me feeling clean and fresh.
Try wearing cotton underwear if you are trying to solve this problem. When we sweat, odors become far more noticeable. Cotton is a very breathable fabric and will help absorb moisture and allow the air to circulate. Lacey panties and thongs are hot, but no one is going to want to see them if you stink. Some of us like to wear no panties. Not recommended if you girls are oozing “unpleasantly scented love juice”. lol
Use plain white, unscented toilet paper. Perfumes and dyes could be irritating and cause more discharge. No vaginal deodorant sprays please.
Wash up or shower multiple times daily and switch to a fragrance free feminine wash. I use EVE as cleanser and will use baby powder to absorb all moisture. Baby powder works WONDERS.

I cannot stress the importance of proper bathroom habits. Always wipe front to back. Wiping from back to front will deposit bacteria in your vaginal area and lead to more unpleasant odors, among other things.
I must mention that though the focus of my discussion is on vaginal discharge resulting from the hormonal imbalances caused by AAS, you have to be observant as the texture and color of discharge is usually indicative of other problems. For example, If your discharge is not smelly, increases beyond the normal and the turns to grey accompanied with a fishy smell, see a gynecologist. If the white vaginal discharge has a cottage-cheese look, accompanied by itching and enlarged vulva and labia, it is an indication of yeast infection..etc. I will get into yeast infection remedies as this is not the primary focus of this discussion.
So here is a recap.
Typically, this is the procedure I follow if I develop an odor problem on cycle:
1-I will cut all my doses in half, or drop the last compound I added to the cycle that could have results in the odor.
2-I will fix a home made vinegar, tea oil or hydrogen peroxide douche and use it once only. You do not want to douche often as that will destroy your normal bacterial flora.
3-I will use a one day, yeast infection OTC treatment. I will get the PM capsule and use it in evening before I go to bed.
4-I will supplement with double the recommended dose of acidophilus that you can pick up at any natural food store.
5-I will wear only cotton panties and Unscented pantyliners.
6-I will wash with a fragrance free feminine wash and dab my private parts with baby powder.
7-I will only use white unscented toilet paper, carry around vaginal wipes when I am on the go, and show multiple times daily.

That has ALWAYS taken care of the problem.

Respect to you ladies,


05-24-2009, 03:59 PM
SS i always love your posts...but this one though it is right on the mark, still made me LOL. your frankness with your sense of humor makes for a great read.

05-24-2009, 04:14 PM
I think a humorous approach makes it easier to digest any disturbing subject. Lol :-)

Lee Penman
05-27-2009, 11:31 AM
This is a GREAT thread SS!
It is also great to see that everyone is being so open and honest!

05-27-2009, 11:56 AM
This is a GREAT thread SS!
It is also great to see that everyone is being so open and honest!

Help me out Leigh. Every time I seem to start a thought provoking thread, it thrives for a day or two and then slowly dies on me..lol

05-27-2009, 01:32 PM
does anyone dream crazy when theyre on?

05-27-2009, 02:52 PM
does anyone dream crazy when theyre on?

Very good one tammy!
When I used to run my test too high, I had wet dreams of women. Never had dreams of eating my kidney for breakfast on tren though like a lot of people do...or something disturbing to that effect. lol

05-27-2009, 04:02 PM
ewww! no dreams like that ..just weird and very VIVID.

05-27-2009, 05:24 PM
This is a very important topic and I applaud Sister Steel for opening the dialogue.

I can understand the reluctance to share your stories, but conversations like these can help physique athletes to be more comfortable in own skin. Talking openly about things considered taboo can go a long way in breaking down social stigma.

Often, women may like the results they can see and the things they're able to accomplish from AAS use, but they can still be unhappy with 'what they've become'. How often do we hear the F-word - femininity - bandied about with respect to women who train and use?

I only wish to share one guy's perspective and do not want to offend anyone with my position. For my money, there's nothing more 'feminine' than a woman who defines her own femininity on her own terms. What makes you a woman is what makes you you. If running 6 miles a day and living as a vegan is what you're into, then that's the woman you are. If lifting progressively heavier weights and running test prop is what drives you, then that's the woman you are.

There are a lot of guys - and women - who are into the sides that some people complain about. Even though some large percentage of female AAS users might consider many sides undesirable, I can assure you that there are many people who are into the primal fur and/or the larger, more sensitive clit.

This might not be discussed very often in general conversation, but amongst people who are comfortable talking about sex, what's wrong with including some of the less 'mainstream' turn-ons?

No matter what any of us do in life, there are going to be people who will judge or condemn us. But at the same time, there will be people who will embrace and love us. And that love has to begin at home, with you.

Love yourself, ladies. As a fan of strong, confident women, I know I do. :)

05-27-2009, 05:51 PM
I couldn't agree more!!

This is a very important topic and I applaud Sister Steel for opening the dialogue.

I can understand the reluctance to share your stories, but conversations like these can help physique athletes to be more comfortable in own skin. Talking openly about things considered taboo can go a long way in breaking down social stigma.

Often, women may like the results they can see and the things they're able to accomplish from AAS use, but they can still be unhappy with 'what they've become'. How often do we hear the F-word - femininity - bandied about with respect to women who train and use?

I only wish to share one guy's perspective and do not want to offend anyone with my position. For my money, there's nothing more 'feminine' than a woman who defines her own femininity on her own terms. What makes you a woman is what makes you you. If running 6 miles a day and living as a vegan is what you're into, then that's the woman you are. If lifting progressively heavier weights and running test prop is what drives you, then that's the woman you are.

There are a lot of guys - and women - who are into the sides that some people complain about. Even though some large percentage of female AAS users might consider many sides undesirable, I can assure you that there are many people who are into the primal fur and/or the larger, more sensitive clit.

This might not be discussed very often in general conversation, but amongst people who are comfortable talking about sex, what's wrong with including some of the less 'mainstream' turn-ons?

No matter what any of us do in life, there are going to be people who will judge or condemn us. But at the same time, there will be people who will embrace and love us. And that love has to begin at home, with you.

Love yourself, ladies. As a fan of strong, confident women, I know I do. :)

05-29-2009, 01:41 AM
There are a lot of guys - and women - who are into the sides that some people complain about. Even though some large percentage of female AAS users might consider many sides undesirable, I can assure you that there are many people who are into the primal fur and/or the larger, more sensitive clit.

This might not be discussed very often in general conversation, but amongst people who are comfortable talking about sex, what's wrong with including some of the less 'mainstream' turn-ons?

No matter what any of us do in life, there are going to be people who will judge or condemn us. But at the same time, there will be people who will embrace and love us. And that love has to begin at home, with you.

Love yourself, ladies. As a fan of strong, confident women, I know I do. :)

I can attest to the fact that I have met many people who find some of the physiological changes I've undergone quite arousing.

I cannot speak for everyone, but I can tell you that my husband likes the subtle sultry raspiness of my voice and does not mind a slight squaring of the jaw. He thinks it enhances some women's facial features. Plus he helps me shave and we have some fun times in the bathroom with me covered in shaving cream. lol:angel:

05-29-2009, 06:09 AM
This is a very important topic and I applaud Sister Steel for opening the dialogue.

I can understand the reluctance to share your stories, but conversations like these can help physique athletes to be more comfortable in own skin. Talking openly about things considered taboo can go a long way in breaking down social stigma.

Often, women may like the results they can see and the things they're able to accomplish from AAS use, but they can still be unhappy with 'what they've become'. How often do we hear the F-word - femininity - bandied about with respect to women who train and use?

I only wish to share one guy's perspective and do not want to offend anyone with my position. For my money, there's nothing more 'feminine' than a woman who defines her own femininity on her own terms. What makes you a woman is what makes you you. If running 6 miles a day and living as a vegan is what you're into, then that's the woman you are. If lifting progressively heavier weights and running test prop is what drives you, then that's the woman you are.

There are a lot of guys - and women - who are into the sides that some people complain about. Even though some large percentage of female AAS users might consider many sides undesirable, I can assure you that there are many people who are into the primal fur and/or the larger, more sensitive clit.

This might not be discussed very often in general conversation, but amongst people who are comfortable talking about sex, what's wrong with including some of the less 'mainstream' turn-ons?

No matter what any of us do in life, there are going to be people who will judge or condemn us. But at the same time, there will be people who will embrace and love us. And that love has to begin at home, with you.

Love yourself, ladies. As a fan of strong, confident women, I know I do. :)

what a great post tre, thank you. I must admit, there have been moments when i questioned being a bber. being called manly and all the BS that goes along with it, hurts. usually this is by people that dont know me, so really i dont care, but it does make you second guess yourself and your choices. idont care if your an adult or a kid on the play ground, being "picked" on messes with who you are.

when its all said and done..i like what i look like and have no regrets..other than i let those assholes get to me in the 1st place.

tight booty
05-29-2009, 06:26 AM
I love you ladies! This thread is so informative, enjoyable to read, and while not many are posting you can sure bet they are reading! I for one, read most of the threads in the womens forum. :bowdown:

05-29-2009, 12:31 PM
what a great post tre, thank you. I must admit, there have been moments when i questioned being a bber. being called manly and all the BS that goes along with it, hurts. usually this is by people that dont know me, so really i dont care, but it does make you second guess yourself and your choices. idont care if your an adult or a kid on the play ground, being "picked" on messes with who you are.

when its all said and done..i like what i look like and have no regrets..other than i let those assholes get to me in the 1st place.

Often you have to look at who is makeing the comments too... in the gym, a girl might think I'm "too big", but I guarantee you in the next 3 weeks (prepping for the USAs) I'll have all of them asking me how I "leaned out" and all the guys half my age will start asking me "how I train" or "what do you do for this muscle group".... just to talk to me. Weirdest experience ever... so its relative to who is asking and what their perception is at the time.

I also stopped worrying what people thought of me years ago when I was 'fat'... So fuck ' em. My mantra is "If you don't like it, don't fuckin' look at it."

05-29-2009, 12:57 PM
- Clitoral growth - which I am happy with, as is my fiance. I haven't experienced any vaginal dryness or weird smell. I do however have some fantastically strong body odor when on. lol I make sure I use deoderant.

- I have new hair growth on the back of my legs (hammies) that I never had.

- I also have the problem of not being able to hit high notes any longer. I sound like a 14 year old boy going through his vocal change when I try to sing. I still sound like a woman and not Barry White, so I feel OK about it. I use my mom as my voice gauge. She so far has told me I'm still normal. What's funny is her voice is deeper than mine.

- My eyebrow hairs have grown really long. lol I don't have bushy old man brows, but my eyebrows are a lot fuller and the hairs longer than they used to be. It requires more grooming on my part.