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4 Visitor Messages

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    Congratulations, [B]Mobster![/B]
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    I have a captains of crush 1 and 2, but I cannot close the number 2 fully, what kind of sets and reps should I be using to attain maximum hand strength, and also how many times weekly.

    Bear in mind that I want to fit it in along with my weekly weight lifting routine.
  3. View Conversation
    Mr Mobster

    I hear you are something of a grip specialist?
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    After you get done trainin...take a look at this...
    Welcome to [B]Big J1 Daily Trivia![/B] Earn [B][COLOR=green]Species [/COLOR][/B][I]booty![/I] [B]Aarrr! [/B][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL]

    "Name any Olympia contestant who is from Great Britain or any current or former member nation of the British Commonwealth."

    Click here to post your answer and have a chance at winning [B][COLOR=green]Species Evolutionary Nutrition[/COLOR][/B] supplements and workout clothing:

    [URL=""][COLOR=#31285a]RX Muscle Forums - View Single Post - Big J1 Daily Trivia Contest for Earned Shwag[/COLOR][/URL]
    [URL=""][COLOR=#31285a]RX Muscle Forums - View Single Post - Big J1 Daily Trivia Contest for Earned Shwag[/COLOR][/URL]

    Hope to see you over there....
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
About Mobster

Basic Information

About Mobster
Wales, Great Britain.
Something very boring


06, 08, 09 and now 2010 British (4x) and 2008/2010 European Grip Champion (2x)


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Most Recent Message
02-25-2011 11:44 PM
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Last Activity
03-15-2022 08:37 AM
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1 Friend

  1. Squid Squid is offline


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