Scivation Quake 10.0 Pre-Workout Stim-Free Review


Lemon Drop – I have my doubts with lemon because I am not a lemon fan. I have only had a select few on the market that I have truly enjoyed. For me it is hit or miss. Scivation came through and made a good tasting lemon flavor. While this is not a very strong lemon it is subtle and provides a very refreshing aftertaste. For me this is a win. If a lemon is too strong or tart it turns me off. Therefore I found this bearable, and actually enjoyed sipping on it. To have me enjoy a lemon shows the company did a damn good job on flavoring.


The powder alone dissolves instantly when touching the water. I have never had a problem with any Scivation product ever even in the new formulation (compared to the original). There is a small build up from the Peak02 if you do let it sit, but a simple shake gets rid of it in a second.


** It is the same formula as the Stimmed version without the caffeine **

Per Serving ( 2 Scoops):

-7 grams of bcaa's
-6 grams of citrulline
-3 grams tyrosine
-1.5 grams LCLT
-2 grams peak02
-1 grams capros
-1.5 grams arginine nitrate
-200mg theanine
-50mg astragin

A very strong open label product that focuses on performance and endurance. The product also stacks perfect with 1 scoop of xtend perform for 14g of BCAA’s and 4g of Peak02 which are optimal doses. Citrulline, LCLT are there for pump and performance. A very strong pump with the arginine nitrate addition as well.


10 Servings ~ 30$
20 servings ~ 50$

You get what you pay for. Quake is loaded as is going to be a very well dosed product. With such high doses this will be a product that will push you in your workouts, make you sweat, and deliver an incredible pump. Scivation will run some killer deals with Quake over time, so this will be found much cheaper with other promo’s going on in the future.

Workout Reaction
Some of the major things I want to note as I train in a fasted state the majority of the time, but also in a fed state sometimes. The biggest difference was Pump. Anytime you train with carbs or food in your body it will enhance the pump agents provided in quake. I would suggest using this for a stim-break to get the performance/endurance enhancements based in the product.
Pump -à Arginine Nitrates , Citrulline and Capros. Even in a fasted state my muscles were still hard, but much more noticed when I had some food and trained fed.
DOMS Reduction --- > l-carnitine, l-titrate, BCAAs, and capros are all major aspects in attribute when put together in quake which I have noticed since using he product.
Performance à LCLT has been found to help improve recovery, Citrulline was found to help with DOMS and prevent lactic acid build up. There is also research on 4g of Peak02 and its effects on performance, endurance, and recovery. You get all of these things and this stacks perfectly with xtend perform to get that dose of 4g.