So I and my partner did Lumberjack 20, a CrossFit workout last week. The deadlift weight was 275 lbs. I'm pretty sure that my partner didn't warm up really well with that specific weight so, on his 18th deadlift rep, he had a muscle tear. However, I'm not really sure if it is a muscle tear or sciatica since his butt was in so much pain. He was limping and couldn't push through the workout. He didn't want to go to the hospital so I am not really sure if he will be fine or not. He's just hard-headed sometimes. Earlier this morning, we went to the gym to get some workout in. Do you think it is safe for him to get back to training even though his butt still hurts? He was able to do deadlifts at 175 and benchpress. However, I don't want him to strain himself. What do you think?