Leg Day!
1. Lying Leg Curls (we have a plate loaded machine).
Set 1: 20 smooth, full range reps - 25 lbs.
Set 2: 15 full range reps, 5 partials - 35 lbs.
Set 3: 10 full range reps, 10 partials - 45 lbs. Immediately did a drop set to 25 lbs. x 8 then no weight x ??? to failure. Freakin' hurt!!!

2. Leg Press. The only rest between these sets was the time it took me to hoist myself out of the machine and add more weight.
1pps x 20
added a plate x 20
added a plate x 20....kept adding 1pps until I couldn't get a smooth 20 reps. Eventually made it to 3pps.

3. Hack Squats: 3pps x 20 x 3 sets. I made sure to get 20 reps with every set even if I had to rest pause the set.

4. Smith Machine Squats: 135 x 4 x 20-12 reps. Slow negative and focused on squeezing my glutes every rep.

5. DB SLDL: 75s x 4 x 8