Wednesday 5/30 upper body training

Hip behaved better this morning as I was getting the kids ready for school so I took a chance and went to the gym

dynamic warmup

Face pulls (even reps paused):
30 x 12
40 x 12
3 x 50 x 12

Bench press, 2-count pauses at liftoff, bottom, and at lockout on last rep before racking:
Bar x 10
75 x 5
75 x 5
100 x 5
116 x 5
127 x 5
5 x 135 x 5 - not my heaviest 5s ever but I believe my heaviest 5x5. Went super smooth, too!

Reverse grip bb rows:
3 x 135 x 8

Meadows rows:
3 x +40 x 8/side

Inverted rows:
3 x BW x 12

Seated neutral grip rows:
3 x 90 x 8

Decline DB pullovers:
3 x 55 x 8

20 min walk at home, which I did with a cane - NOT because I needed it but just as a precaution and to take it ultra-easy.