It looks like its that time again- I'm 215 lbs at 5'9'' and am starting to approach that threshold where I'm about to turn into a fat pile of mass as opposed to an aspiring bodybuilder. Time to cut.

Almost every time within the last few years when I've cut, I've dramatically lost my sex drive. Not just a little less but a very big problem that's affected my life. Heck I hooked up with a girl deep into a cut one time and couldn't even get it up. I can't have this happen again. I have a gf who would be less than happy if I lost any interest here.

Bulking I've been eating around 3600-4000 calories a day for the last 6 months and felt good. Weights 4 days a week and no cardio.

In the past I cut on 1900 cal nontraining days and 2200 cal training days. I lifted 4 or 5 days (I can't remember) and did cardio about an hour 6 days a week. I'm thinking this was too extreme all the way around.

For the past week I've been doing a keto style 2200 cals nontraining days and 3000 cal training days with 30 min. moderate intensity cardio on lifting days. I feel fine but don't think I'm losing much if any weight. How low do I need to go without sacrificing my manhood? If I was using AAS I could just shoot more test and pop some proviron and be fine, but I'm trying to wait a few more years before going down that road.

Thanks guys