Quote Originally Posted by cook View Post
This is Mamadog.She wandered into our shop at work 3 years ago.She had open wounds all over her almost no hair and was covered in pus and flies.She was almost dead.We found out some guys who fight dogs were using her to train their dogs.My boss who is kind of an odd guy.He's 6ft. tall and about 260lbs.at 72 yrs. old.He says very little and kinda walks around hunched over.He's kind of an intimidating guy but a real sweetheart.He took the dog to the vet expecting him to put her down.The doc gave her some steroid and antibiotic and said let's give her a few days..Turns out Mamadog has a lot more heart than the bastards who were torturing her .Well 3 years later she is my bosses personal dog and lives a pampered life.She comes to work with him everyday and is the sweetest happiest dog I have ever seen.
I waited too damn long to read that story! Awesome. <3