i am far from an expert.

i would think that if she has never tried anything and she is concerned...start at 5 and see how she takes to it. increase it if she seems to be fine. i wouldnt go over 20. actually, many women do fine on 10 during a 8-12 wk cycle. some do increase it to 15-20.

many women start at 10. i always thought that it was best to take two doses. one in a.m. and one in p.m.

so...from reading above, oral winny is taken everyday?

do a lot of you women who inject winny, do it everday or every other day? i always thought 3x a week was sufficient.

karen...you dont want to run nolva over 8 wk...yes you can do 10wks..but don't do more than 10. granted people do...but i dont think it would be that great for your body to do more than that. then again...i have heard one figure women tell me she only ran nolva for the last few wks of her prep.

nolva doasges...start out low and increase. i hate to give you dosages...I don't know what you are looking like or anything. but most women i know start out low, like at 10, then increase to 15 then 20. some increase to 30 then 40. but for figure...i know a lot of women who didnt go above 20. then again...i know some figure women who were up to 40.

i didnt use nolva for the 1st time til my jr usa's prep last year. i started at 10 and went up to 20. i also stayed on it for jr nats as well (20). then was off it until early sept. it did increase bc i was doing bb. started at 10, remained at 20 for a while, moved it up to 30, then for the last few wks, it was moved up to 40. but that was for me. idk what you would need to do.

clen...goodness...the clen question LOL! there are so many theories on the way to run clen.

some run it straight through. others cycle it...with days on and days off. but make sure you taper up. most women i know dont go over 120 mcg a day. but that would be at the very end. you can start low...like at 20 or 40. taper up throughout the weeks. split your dosage throughout the day or when you get to be taking a lot like 100...a few times a day.